AGM Spreadsheet

AGM 19784
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AGM 1978
AGM Held at The Kings Arms Hotel 18th Sept 1978
WillJoint Squire
JimJoint Squire
Mike (B)
TreasurerΒ’s Report
Β£209.86 in creditpassed
BagmanΒ’s Expenses Β£20.00passed
Ace Club Donation Β£100.00passed
Election of Officers
Willresigned as Joint squire.
Jimelected Squire
Alanelected Bagman
Harryelected foreman
Randallelected treasurer
Melelected Assistant Bagman
Gedelected Assistant Foreman
Petrol expenses Β£1 per car per tourpassed
Donation to charity suspended to A.G.M Sep 1979passed
Ring meeting to be subsidisedpassed
Extraordinary meeting called for 16th Oct.
Practice & Tuition
A Sub-Committee to be elected to choose dances for 1979 seasonpassed
Jim, Harry and Ged elected to serve on the Sub-Committeepassed
Compilation of book of Chapel Traditionpassed
Changes to dances, learned at Foreman's meetings to be approved by Harry passed
Practice & Tuition Cont.
A PROGRAMME for practice to be drawn uppassed
Practice to start at 7.30 p.m. promptpassed
Practice for beginners prior to general practicepassed
Musicians to attend musiciansΒ’ workshopspassed
Chapel Morris Men in 1979
Draft copy of tours for 1979 acceptedpassed
Invitation to Poynton Jemmers to attend Tideswell Tour meal and torchlightpassed
Invitation to Derby Morris Men to tour and meal on July 29th (now Jun 17th)passed
Certain tours not yet specified to be advertisedpassed
To attend local Folk Festivals if the team votes in favourpassed
Apply for Ring membership in 1979passed
Organise a Morris Feast/Ale in Autumn 1979passed
Chapel Morris Men in action
Increase minimum number of dancers required to accept a booking from seven to nine passed
Ray to get fool's costume togetherpassed
Compilation of a standard speech to introduce dancespassed
More solo jigspassed
EGM 1978
Extraordinary meeting held at the Constitutional Hall on 16th Oct 1978 to discuss costume.
Standardization it was thought was important. The Original costume was
agreed with the following exceptions:-
to be decorated to individual dancers design but the hat to be a standard straw trilby.
Arm Bands
wearing of armbands will be discontinued.
Mel will attempt to obtain a wider material.
to be replaced before summer season.
There will be no individual designs on the Baldricks
Bell Pads
Future Bell Pads will be made of green leather and brought more to the front.
Further Points
Apart from the items mentioned above the uniform/costume consists of plain white shirts, if a tee shirt or vest is to be worn this should also be white.
Trousers are BLACK BREECHES those of us who don't comply should do so before the start of the season.
Socks are white and should appear to be white.
Shoes are black leather.
Waistcoats are the traditional shaggy green and yellow design but should be tidied up before the season.
Hayfield Tradition
Purchase of material for sashes and cummerbunds, and bells for shoes.
AGM 1979
The meeting was held on Monday, October lst, at 7.50 p.m.
l. Apologies for absence were received from Harry Phillips and Gerry
2 The Treasurers report was presented showing a balance before the meeting of Β£248.24
3. The Minutes of the 1978 A.G.M. were read and approved.
4. All Officers to be elected annually, but the Bagman is expected to be prepared to serve for three years to ensure continuity.
Retiring Officers may seek re-election
5. Officers for 1979/1980
Squire- Jim Hirst.
Bagman- Mel Gould
Treasurer- Randall Dawson
Tutor- Ged Morten
Ragman- Roger Howard.
Assistant Bagman- Alan Wilson
Assistant Tutor- Will Newman.
6. A vote of thanks to the retiring officials was proposed by Arthur McArdle and unanimously endorsed.
7. For an exceptional feat of navigation, Arthur McArdle was appointed Β“Custodian of the Clanger" and attached hand bell for the forthcoming season.
8. A Committee was appointed to formulate a proposed Constitution for consideration by the side. Members are John Newton, Peter Helps, Mike Bradley, Jim Hirst, and Mike Duncombe
9. Mel Gould to approach the Ring to ask if they have a standard Constitution.
10. The Meeting voted Β£40 expenses to the Bagman, this year to be split equally between Mel and Alan; this sum is also to be available to future Bagmen annually
11. Petrol money on tours to be paid on the following basis;
25% of takings or Β£l, per driver, whichever is the greater, rounded to the nearest 10p
l2. Petrol money not normally to be paid on bookings other than tours.
13. A Β£50 donation is to be sent to Mr Chris Bent, of Normanton School, to help pay for a Xmas day lunch for people in Buxton who would otherwise be alone on Xmas day.
14. A list of dances is to be drawn up for 1980 by the Tutor, Squire and Assistant Tutor.
15. After experimentation, the list is to be finalised before Xmas.
16. The list is to include some Ring massed dances.
17. There are to be no changes to individual dances once the Summer Season starts.
18. Revision practices should be held during Summer when individuals can select the evening programme from the list.
19. The Hand bell is to be used at all performances
20. C.M.M. are to dance the Hayfield Morris Dance at Hayfield Carnival in 198O. All members are asked to attend; the date will almost certainly be May l7th.
21. C.M.M. are to attend Chapel Carnival on July 5th, dancing on the Market Place at lunchtime and on the Carnival Field in the afternoon.
22. More Wednesday evening bookings / Pub Tours are to be held in Summer; to be arranged 2 or 3 weeks in advance.
23. The First Aid Kit is to be brought to all bookings.
24. A Coach is to be used for one tour in l98O, as an experiment. Date of tour Sunday, July 27th.
25. A joint tour to be arranged with Derby Morris Men in 198O.
26. Annual invitation to be issued to Poynton Jemmers to join us at Tideswell Carnival for the evenings
27. Invitation to be issued to Frith Woods to join us on the Mayday Tour, also at Eyam/Chatsworth on Easter Sunday.
28. No afternoon tour required for Tideswell Carnival Saturdays
29. A Christmas tour to be arranged.
30. Draft 198O Programme to be finalised as soon as possible after confirmation of Derby joint tour and German trips. Mel, Alan and Roger to Plan tours.
31. A song is to be learnt for the 1980 Ring meeting. John Newton is to look for a suitable song.
32. C.M.M. are to hold a Day of Dance in September 1980. Alan Wilson, John Newton, Will Newman and Mel Gould to organise. Teams to invite suggested during the A.G.M. were Derby, Escafeld, Mansfield, Saddleworth and Thelwall.
33. Possible German Tour. No arrangements have been made as Mike Bradley is waiting for a reply from Germany. Date suggested is August. Mike is to report back with alternative dates and estimated cost as soon as possible.
34. Roger Howard is to investigate alternative designs for badges on the back of our baldrick. The present back badges may continue to differ in outside shape, but all badges must be identical in design and colours.
35. Mel Gould to make a second set of handkerchiefs per man, (paid for from funds.)
36. A badge of office for the Squire is to be bought. Jim Hirst is to select an appropriate badge.
37. Guests on Tours to be in suitable costume (except for Bonny Green Garters).
38. Ray Aucott to organise a Fool's costumes
39. Those who wish may wear clogs for the Hayfield dance, but the wearing of clogs is optional. Clogs to be black.
40. Side rosettes to be fixed more securely to baldrics to stop the rosettes creasing.
41. The Side is to be known as CHAPEL-EN-LE FRITH MORRIS MEN and the full name is to be used whenever possible.
42. A home is required for the Stag's head. John Newton is to ask Norman Cox if he will keep it.
43. As a token of appreciation for the excellent service he has given to the Side, a suitably engraved tankard is to be presented to Alan.
44. Mike Bradley invited comments on the stag costume.
45. Next yearΒ’s A.G.M. will be organised on similar lines to this.
Thanks to Ray for arranging the food and to Hywel for fixing the beer.
AGM 1980
1.Β Β Β Β Β  Apologies for absence were received from Roger, who arrived later
2.Β Β Β Β Β  The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted
3.Β Β Β Β Β  Reports from officers:-
SQUIRE: Congratulated everyone for making The Day of Dance such a success. Passed on thanks from Father Kenneth Loveless. Congratulated Ray Aucott on becoming British Veteran Fell Runner of 1980, endorsed by the whole team.
BAGMAN: Gave formal notice of intention to resign owing to likely move from area.
TREASURER: Presented financial reports showing balance before meeting of Β£82.12. This includes a loss of Β£225.98 on the Day of Dance. The meeting approved the opening of a current account for the team, with a chequebook to simplify outgoings. The deposit account will remain in use. A savings plan was outlined which would allow members to pay Β£1 per week to raise their fees for next yearΒ’s ring meeting.
TUTOR: Emphasised that practices should begin at 7.30 prompt. This would allow time for practice of dances not on the programme.
ASST. TUTOR: Stressed that we should practice a total performance, rather than just the dances. The meeting agreed that we should make more effort to make contact with the audience.
4.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  The new role of Foreman was discussed at length. It was agreed this office be created, with the prime functions being the organisation of the performance, calling or arranging callers for each dance, ensuring adequate contact with the audience.
5.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  By a majority decision it was decided to elect officers by secret ballot where there was more than one candidate.
6.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Officers for 1980/81
Squire: Jim Hirst
Bagman: Arthur McArdle, with guarantee from the side that they would co-operate to ensure locally based members undertake jobs to eliminate unnecessary travelling.
Treasurer: Randall Dawson
Tutor: Ged Morten
Asst. Tutor: Will Newman
Foreman: Peter Helps
Ragman: Roger Howard
Stickman: Will Newman, with guarantee of co-operation from rest of side in acquiring dressed sticks
7.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Ray Aucott, Ged Morten and Ian Williams each promised to provide a set of dressed sticks.
8.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  It was agreed that the previous Β“custodian of the clangerΒ” be allowed to confer this great honour to the person most suitable in his opinion. Arthur handed the office (but not the bell) to Alan Wilson.
9.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  A constitution is not required.
10.Β Β Β  Will, Roger and Jim are arranging the programme for next year.
11.Β Β Β  Ged, Will, Pete and Harry will decide on a list of dances for the 1981 season.
12.Β Β Β  Arthur will obtain a pigΒ’s bladder
13.Β Β Β  RayΒ’s fool costume was approved. John Newton should continue with his foolΒ’s costume, so that we have at least one fool available for the 1981 season.
14.Β Β Β  Experienced members of the side should learn how to call over the winter.
15.Β Β Β  The decision on when to hold the next Day of Dance was deferred to the next meeting.
16.Β Β Β  The BagmanΒ’s expenses to be Β£50 per annum drawn as required, and subject to re-appraisal.
17.Β Β Β  The programme sub-committee to contact Derby MM to arrange a joint tour.
18.Β Β Β  Nine people expressed a firm intention of attending Derby Ring Meeting should the side attend. It was agreed we should apply for entry.
19.Β Β Β  Alan and Ian will contact Stocks Folk Club, Frithwoods and Folk Dance Club to arrange 12th Night Party along similar lines to last year.
20.Β Β Β  The Christmas Feats has been booked for Dec 19th at the Crown and Mitre 8.00 for 8.30. Owing to the present level of funds it was agreed that no subsidy could be offered this year.
21.Β Β Β  A vote was taken on whether to dance Hayfield next year: - 7 in favour, 4 against with 5 abstentions. By normal democratic conventions it was decided that the side would dance Hayfield.
22.Β Β Β  All members should purchase (or obtain!) new socks and shirt for each season.
23.Β Β Β  The feeling of the meeting as a whole was that organised singing involving the whole team was not wanted.
24.Β Β Β  Bagman to invite Β“old boysΒ” to 12th Night Party.
25.Β Β Β  Can only become a member of the side by performing in public in kit. Foreman has power to prevent inexperienced dancers performing in public.
26.Β Β Β  Boxing Day tour Β– Bagman to raise this nearer the time.
27.Β Β Β  Programme sub-committee to contact Buxton Fringe Festival.
28.Β Β Β  Thanks to Ray for arranging the food and Hywel for arranging the beer.
29.Β Β Β  Thanks to Mel for splendid service to side during his reign of office.
AGM 1981
AGM held on 21st September 1981
1.Β Β Β Β Β  Present:
Pete (in the chair)
John N.
John G.
Apologies for absence from Gerry and Grant
2.Β Β Β Β Β  Minutes from the previous meeting held 13th October 1980 were accepted.
3.Β Β Β Β Β  No matters arising that were not being dealt with in the Agenda.
4.Β Β Β Β Β  SquireΒ’s Report (Jim)
Mentioned MelΒ’s departure, and welcomed Tony and Gerry who have been valuable additions to the side. Hoped to have a Day of Dance in 1982 and also to make an appeal to local (Hayfield) men to dance with us at Hayfield Carnival. Jim also hoped that the next joint tour with Derby Men would produce a larger turnout from our side.
5.Β Β Β Β Β  BagmanΒ’s Report (Arthur)
26 outings since the last AGM including 6 tours. 17 dancing requests had had to be turned down (mainly carnivals, fetes, but including 4 days of dance). On a couple of occasions we had only just managed to get a side out, the August Bank Holiday Sunday Tour and the joint event at Stockport with the Frith Woods.
6.Β Β Β Β Β  TreasurerΒ’s Report (Randall)
Balance of Β£348.03p and a stock of badges and books in hand.
A vote of thanks was given to the Bagman and Treasurer for their work during the year
7.Β Β Β Β Β  ForemanΒ’s Report (Pete)
Appealed to dancers not to join a dance with which they are not familiar as this is so noticeable to the audience. Appealed for improved attendance at bookings and practice wherever possible.
8.Β Β Β Β Β  TutorΒ’s Report (Ged)
Ged, with Pete and Will had set out a programme of practice in Fieldtown, Lichfield and Headington, plus revision. Ged mentioned the difficulty of organising practice when some members attend very regularly and others less regularly.
9.Β Β Β Β Β  Election of Officers
No elections required
1981-2 officers are as follows:
Asst Tutor/Foreman:Pete
Books/Badges:John Newton
10.Β  Finances
Travelling expenses for 1982:
Tours: Β£2 per car or 25% of bag divided whichever the greater.
Bookings: Β£1 per car
Provision on the same basis would be made to anyone travelling by public transport
Β£25 donated to Co-op Guide Dogs for the Blind fund as our share from the Stockport Display
Β£50 donated to St JohnΒ’s Ambulance Brigade, Chapel-en-le-Frith
Β£50 donated to Alderbrook, Chinley
BagmanΒ’s expenses for 1981/82: Β£50
Fees for performing: Β£35, but variable depending on the event
The loan to the Buxton Folk Festival has been repaid
11.Β  Costume
Roger is making replacement rosettes for those who require them
Neckerchiefs would not be worn
Bell-pads should be standardised if a supply of leather (off-cuts) can be found.
Will has a supplier and is to enquire about prices for silk flowers.
12.Β  Practice and Tuition
Subscription of Β£5 per year, payable half yearly on 1st October and 1st April to replace weekly subs. (This represents an approximate 50% subsidy from funds.)
No change in practice nights
Posters to be displayed in local shops in an appeal to get new dancers.
In order to get more jigs danced on bookings 15 minutes at start and after practice to be set aside for those interested.
Peter McLoughlinΒ’s offer to come along and give instruction on Fieldtown was declined but Ged would confer with him as necessary.
13.Β  1982 Programme
We would not advertise in events calendars
Tour Committee comprises Jim, Harry, Roger, Hywel
A local Β‘BuxtonΒ’ tour is planned including the Robin Hood, PooleΒ’s Cavern, Crescent, Gardens
It was hoped to involve local people in dancing Hayfield in 1982 by personal contacts.
We would invite Frithwoods on a joint tour
We would apply to attend the Staffordshire ring meeting, Sep 3-5 1982 and the Ring Day of Dance in Sheffield July 10th 1982
Randall offered to organise a savings scheme again.
We would dance Tideswell during Well-Dressing week.
1982 AGM: Monday 4th October 1982, and in future the first Monday in October, unless that fell on 1st October, when it would be 8th October.
Day of Dance 1982. Committee comprises, Jim, John N, Will, Randall, Tony.
Fool for 1982: John Newton
14.Β  Christmas Festivities 1981
Ged offered to investigate the Crown and Mitre for Christmas Dinner.
Two people were requested to join the entertainment committee for the Twelfth Night Party Β– Mike was suggested.
15.Β  John N, Ged and Ray all had set of dressed sticks which they would give to Will.
Arthur 29th September 1981
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
EGM 1982
EGM held at the Oddfellows Arms, Mellor at 9pm Monday 13th September 1982
The present Squire (Jim Hirst) had given notice that he wished to stand down and the purpose of the EGM was to elect a new Squire s that the handover of office could take place at Chapel-en-le-Frith MenΒ’s Day of Dance on Saturday 18th September 1982.
There were two nominations for Squire:
Peter HelpsProposer:Will Newman
Seconder:Randall Dawson
Will NewmanProposer:Arthur McArdle
Seconder:Hywel Thomas
A show of hands was taken, giving a majority in favour of Will.
Will is therefore duly elected as Squire, to take effect during the Feast on Saturday 18th September 1982.
Before the meeting closed Pete described the enormously valuable contribution Jim has made to the side during his term of office as Squire and in particular in his knowledge and teaching of the Morris to the side in its formative years.
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men therefore record their grateful thanks to Jim for his efforts as Squire during his term of office.
The meeting closed at 9.30pm.
Those present:
Arthur, Randall, Will, Pete, Ged, Jim, Gerry, Hywel, Tony, Ray
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 1982
AGM 1982 held on Monday 11th October 1982 at the Constitution Hall
1.Β Β Β Β Β  Present:
Will (Chairman)
John G.
John N.
2.Β Β Β Β Β  Apologies: Roger
3.Β Β Β Β Β  Minutes of the AGM 1981
Read out by Will and accepted as a true record
4.Β Β Β Β Β  Matters Arising
Randall suggested 2nd Tuesday in October for AGMs in future to allow time to prepare financial statement to year end September 30th.
Jim apologised for omitting mention of Ian leaving in his report as Squire
5.Β Β Β Β Β  Squire's Report
Will had taken over as Squire following an EGM held at the Oddfellows Arms, Mellor on l5th September l982, and thanked Jim for his efforts whilst serving as Squire since the formation of the side. The number of men turning out at any booking varied from 100% (Day of Dance), almost 100% (Easter) to 'very thinΒ’. Will mentioned that Hywel would not be with us regularly next summer (l985) but hoped he might be able to join us on occasions if circumstances allow. New member Bob was welcomed. It was agreed that the side buys from Jim the motif he had bought as SquireΒ‘s Badge of Office, to be handed to each succeeding Squire. Will said he would look into some method of recording on the Staff the name of the Side and the SquiresΒ’ names.
6.Β Β Β Β Β  Bagman's Report
1981-2 season: 5 tours, ?7 bookings, 5 Monday one spots and 6 Days of Dance/Feasts including 2 Ring Meetings (Sheffield and Uttoxeter).In addition l8 invitations were turned down including 5 Days of Dance. We Β’discovered' Haddon Hall. 1 tour had to be cancelled (August) and 1 booking was an utter failure (Buxton Fringe) through no fault of ours. The highlight of the season was undoubtedly our Day of Dance on Sept. l8th. Thanks are due to Will, Jim, Randall, Tony, and John N. for their efforts.
7.Β Β Β Β Β  TreasurerΒ’s Report
see attached.
8.Β Β Β Β Β  TutorΒ‘s Report
Will and Pete attended an instructional on Fieldtown and the side performed 5 of the dances out this season. Bampton was also revived. We did Hayfield again, joined by 6 men from Hayfield who did extra practice with Ged and Jim. Ged finished with a plea to start in time and make better use of the night.
9.Β Β Β Β Β  Foreman's Report
Pete echoed GedΒ’s thoughts on new dances learned over Winter and re-emphasised the importance of coming to practice as often as possible.
Will thanked the officers of the l981/2 season: Jim, Arthur, Ged, and Pete and Randall.
10.Β  Election of Officers
Bagman: Arthur
Treasurer: Randall
were unopposed.
John N. proposed combining the duties of Tutor/Assistant Tutor/Foreman into 1 person. This was seconded by Hywel but defeated 8 to 5 on a vote.
Tutor: Ged
Foreman: Pete
were unopposed.
Assistant Tutor; not filled, Squire to nominate as necessary.
Ragman; Roger
Stickman; Jim
were unopposed.
In order that Stickman doesn't have to carry both sets of sticks around at bookings, it was agreed that at the start of each tour/booking etc., Jim would give one large stick to each man. At the end of the day each man is responsible for giving the stick back to Jim. Jim would look after the short sticks on bookings etc. A set of practise sticks would be left at the Kings Arms
Keeper of the Bell: Arthur.
Jim was against awarding the bell, and Arthur volunteered to look after it for as long as necessary, (or until he lost it again)!
Keeper of Books and Badges; Randall, with someone to go around at bookings.
11.Β  Costume
John N. made the following proposals; bring back arm bands, tidy up baldricks - broad single ribbons - one green with thin yellow stripe, and vice versa, cut off the ribbon below rosettes, and uniform bell pads.
As all these proposals would take some time to consider, John agreed to come up with some specific proposals and drawings preferably by 8th or 15th November. Anyone else with suggestions on costume to come along similarly prepared.
A set of 7 hammer handles had been bought during the year as sticks were in short supply. It was agreed to get a further one, making a set of 8. Hywel agreed to get the extra one.
12.Β  Donations to Charity
Randall mentioned shortage of funds bearing in mind expenses still to be paid eg 2 years Ring Subscription, costume. Gerry felt we should nevertheless make a donation to charity, even if quite small, as we had told donors that we collected for charity. Randall proposed Β£25 which was agreed. Charities suggested were
EFDSS; proposed Arthur, seconded Jim
Whitestones: proposed Randall, seconded Gerry
'Local Charity' (to be decided) proposed Mike, seconded John N.
A vote went 4:6:3 respectively. The last dropping out the vote then went 8:5 in favour of Whitestones. Randall agreed to contact them to see if they would prefer the Β£25 in cash or in some other form.
12.2 Bagman's Expenses
Β£70 agreed for 1982-3.
12.3 Incidental Expenses
Β£5 to Will for expenses incurred regarding Day of Dance.
12.4 Fees for Performing 1982-3
Β£40 or thereabouts.
12.5 Travelling Expenses 1982-3
Randall pointed out that at times we had collected insufficient monies to pay out expenses as per the formula laid down last year. There were two proposals: `
a) No expenses for tours, bookings etc., but only for instructionals, Ring Meetings etc., and if funds are good subsidise the following Christmas Dinner. Proposed Arthur, seconded Gerry.
b) Pay expenses at Squire's and Treasurer's discretion. Proposed Mike seconded Pete.
Arthur's motion was carried, (a)
Randall pointed out that each man was effectively subsidised to the tune of Β£5 for the Day of Dance and Β£5 per annum on subs
12.6 Subscription
Keep as l982- Β£2.50 per half year, (subsidised to the tune of approx. Β£2.50 per half year by the club).
13.Β  Practise and Tuition
13.1 Plans for Winter Season
Ged outlined his plans: we must cater for learners - he suggested 7.30 - 8.00 for basic stepping and tuition in Adderbury, also complete Fieldtown dances, revive Longboroggh, maintain Bampton and Bledington. Ged also hoped more men would be willing to do a jig, and he said he would enquire individually. A sub-committee of Ged, Will and Pete would work out a Winter program. Hywel suggested a rolling system of practises - bringing in new dances and dropping
them out after several practises thus enabling people who can't attend every week the chance to pick up these dances.
13.2 Rehearsed 'ad-libs' ,
Will: not just a set of dances, but a complete performance. Suggested we should have an evening when ideas for 'ad-libs' could be discussed and rehearsed.
13.3 Animal
After discussion, it was proposed (Ged) seconded (Will) and carried that the animal be converted to a cow by replacing the antlers with horns.
14.Β  1983 Programme
14.1 Tour Committee comprising; Will, Ged, Roger, and Hywel.
There were several suggestions:
a. Buxton. A whole day spent in Buxton at the Pavilion Gardens and the Crescent.
b. No major tours in August because of holidays but have one in September instead.
c. Hayfield Carnival. We would do Hayfield as an augmented side, the aim eventually to be formed by a Hayfield Side. Hywel said he would speak to the New Mills Band with a view to getting some of them to play for us.
d. Joint tour with Adlington eg a Monday evening
e. Chapel-en-le-Frith Carnival invite Stafford Men to join us and dance at lunch time
f. Whitby Festival - further details awaited
g. Monday Night Tours - invite other teams to join us
h. Little Mill, Rowarth - We already have a definite booking here on Saturday evening April 23rd (St GeorgeΒ’s Day)
i. Cup Final Day 1983 is May 21st
15.Β  Christmas Dinner 1982
Buckingham Hotel, Buxton, Wednesday 15th December suggested. Mike agreed to make enquiries
16.Β  Any Other Business
16.1 AGM fixed for second Monday in October in future
16.2 Scrapbook. Jim agreed to continue as scrapman and would obtain a large scrapbook on behalf of the club
16.3 Publicity: Tony agreed to act as publicity officer looking after posters, press and said he would write to the local press with an appeal for new members
16.4 We would have some business cards printed to a design of WillΒ’s
16.5 Gerry suggested a sponsored Β‘processionalΒ’ for charity involving press, local radio and linked to a recruitment drive.
16.6Β  Thanks were recorded to Hywel and Ray for refreshments during the AGM
Meeting closed at 11.45pm
L. Arthur McArdle
15th October 1982
AGM 1983
Minutes of the AGM held on Monday 10th October 1983
1.Β Β Β Β Β  Present
Arthur, Will, Randall, Pete, Ray, Mike, Roger, Hywel, Tony C, Alan, Jim, Gerry.
2.Β Β Β Β Β  Apologies
3.Β Β Β Β Β  Matters Arising
i) Ged and Pete attended a Fieldtown Instructional (not Will and Pete).
ii) AGM will be second Monday in October (not Tuesday)
4.Β Β Β Β Β  SquireΒ’s Report
Will had set out with three aims in his first year as Squire:
i) to make the performance more enjoyable for the dancers
ii) to make the performance more enjoyable for the audience
iii) to make more money.
It had been the hottest summer for years, yet we got wet several times, notably May Day and Monsal Head and Bakewell. However that particular day turned out well as we danced inside Haddon Hall
Monday evening spots were a success both socially and financially, and thanks were due to Ged and Tony for all the work they had done in the organisation stage.
Will thanked Arthur for his administration, Ged for the evening tuition, Pete for 'Sergeant-Majoring' on bookings, Tony for his attractive posters and leather bell-pads, Jim for maintaining records and looking after the sticks, Roger for his work in preparing all the new kit which we have acquired since last year, Randall for music and financial matters, John for fooling so well, and Gerry for singing at the Ring meeting at Warminster.
Will welcomed back Hywel and thanked him and Ray for the provisions at the AGM. Will finished by thanking everyone who had given him lifts whilst incapacitated.
5.Β Β Β Β Β  Bagman's Report '
Arthur said that despite losing three dancers to injuries whilst dancing (Mike and Ged ankles, Will ligaments) everyone had rallied round to ensure that we always had a team to fulfil our bookings.
We welcomed Ian back briefly and also welcomed two new members, Tony (from Offley) danced out during the summer, and Shaun played the drum at most of our bookings this year.
We attended the Ring Meeting at Warminster where all those who went enjoyed the facilities at Warminster school and temperatures in the high 80s. Arthur thanked Will for his efforts during the season and concurred that the seasonΒ’s dancing had been most enjoyable.
We had turned down 18 possible bookings over the season.
6.Β Β Β Β Β  Treasurer's Report
See attached
7.Β Β Β Β Β  Officers
The following were elected unopposed;
Bagman: Arthur
Treasurer: Randall
Tutor: Ged
Ragman: Roger, with Tony looking after leather
Stickman: Jim
Publicity: Tony C.
Foreman: Pete
8.Β Β Β Β Β  Finances
i.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Bagman's expenses set at Β£80 for 1985/4.
ii.Donation to charity; Β£50 or thereabouts, to include our share of monies from the booking to be held Oct 22nd in Stockport. The charity selected was Mobile Physiotherapy (Chapel-en-le~Frith branch)
iii. Fees for performing 1984 to remain at Β£40
iv) Expenses for bookings. Discussion started initially on whether to pay expenses for travelling on tours. After several possibilities were considered, it was decided that we would maintain the status quo Β— ie no expenses for tours, but that subscriptions would be abolished thus effectively subsidising every member to the tune of Β£10 per annum. After this, other expenses eg to attend
instructionals, subsidies for Ring Meetings would be met if funds allowed.
9. Costume
i. Back-Patch for Baldricks ~ This item was deferred until funds were sufficient to purchase.
ii. Arm-Bands Β— It was proposed by Jim and seconded by Gerry that we abolish arm-bands. The motion was defeated by 6 votes to 5.
iii. Straw Hats - Ray felt that straw hats didn't go with breeches, and suggested possibly a variation on a foresters cap. It was decided to leave this item for thought and future consideration as some other members felt that the straw hat was okay.
10.Β  Practice and Tuition
A sub-committee of squire, foreman and tutor was formed to plan out a winter programme. There was general agreement for a consolidation of dances and traditions already learnt
John had submitted a proposal that: Β‘
I non-dancers (male or female) should not be allowed in any dances, whilst male dancers not in kit may be invited to dance Bonny Green Garters only. (Females from the audience would of course be okay as non-dancing Β‘propsΒ’.)
This was agreed unanimously.
11.1984 Programme
i. A tour committee of Will, Ray and Alan was formed. Suggestions would be welcomed and conveyed to any of the above by end of October. Hayfield l984 clashes with the 50th Anniversary weekend of the Ring so the side will not be able to attend Hayfield. Hayfield 1984 will therefore be a truly local side augmented with Chapel-en-le-Frith men as available.
-Alan agreed to look after the drum, at present in Roger's possession.
We will dance in Chapel-en-le~Frith on Carnival Day - the tour committee to fit in. It was suggested we could dance outside local dancers houses, market place, queenΒ‘s house, best decorated streets.
We will not invite Stafford Men to join us on this occasion.
ii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Day of Dance
On the alternate year principle 1984 would be a day of dance year, but it was agreed to defer for one year and have one as part of our 10th anniversary celebrations in 1985.
iii. Ring Meeting
In view of the fact that the side was attending the Jubilee celebrations in May 1984 it was agreed we wouldn't go to a Ring Meeting.
12.Β  Christmas Dinner 1933
Crown and Mitre, Chinley. Will to investigate dates. Will appealed for volunteers for an entertainment. Randall suggested that in future this item be raised earlier in the year as Christmas gets very hectic.
13.Β  Any Other Business
Mike asked if there had been much interest shown in the 1985 Munich Festival, but most people felt it was too far ahead to commit themselves.
Meeting closed at 11.10pm.
The following bookings are already confirmed for 1984:
May 11th to 13thJubilee Meeting, NBC, Birmingham-
July 22nd.Joint Tour at Derby,
Sept 1st.Thelwall Morris Men Day of Dance.
AGM 1984
AGM 8th October 1984
Will, Arthur, Randall, Andy, Kevin, Jim, Ged, Gerry, Dave, Hywel, Mike, Ray, Alan, Pete.
John G, Roger, Tony, Shaun.
Matters Arising:
Squire's Report:
Will welcomed new members Andy, Andrew, Kevin, and Dave. Shaun, who is already a member of the side having played the drum for two seasons, was welcomed to the dancing fraternity. John N and Tony W had left the side due to job transfers.
Highlights of the season were the Jubilee Weekend, with the hospitality from Sedgeley MM, the Queen's House Buxton. Wettest tour was the Ashbourne, Alstonefield. Also notable was the Glossop booking where we managed to drop the old woman tossed up!
Will thanked Arthur and Hywel and Ray for laying on the food and drink.
Will bestowed a discretionary contribution award on Alan for his contributions during the year- always turning out, acting as chauffeur, stick bearing.
BagmanΒ’s Report
Despite having some memorable times - such as the Jubilee Meeting, this has been a difficult year for the side and the Bagman.
The problem of getting sufficient people to commit themselves to a booking is not too bad - people have other commitments and in some cases cannot be definite too far ahead - in
the end we can always turn down a booking. However, unexpected dropouts make the Bagman's job very difficult when we are already struggling to fulfil a booking
On more than one occasion this season we have had late withdrawals. Hopefully this will improve next season as we have a number of new dancers, but Arthur warned that if this was repeated he would not stand again next year.
TreasurerΒ’s Report:
see attached.
Election of Officers
Stickman------Pete and Andy (Practise sticks}
It was decided on a vote that the Fool was an officer of the side.
i.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  BagmanΒ’s expenses
ii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Donation to charity; two already made to, Mobile Physio Β£54.50
Alstonefield Church Roof Fund, uncertain but cΒ£10-Β£20
iii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Fees for performing; around Β£40 negotiable
iv.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Sponsorship; Dave proposed that we should try to get sponsorship, particularly for our 10thAnniversary celebrations. Dave offered to follow up a contact with Robinson's Brewery.
Derbyshire Building Society was also mentioned.
i.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Arm-bands will not be worn, 6-5 vote. (But do not destroy them, theyΒ‘ve come back before).
ii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Badge. The original proposal to have a back badge with the Side's name embroidered around the outside and individualism in the centre was resurrected. A motion was passed that back badges be purchased when finances permit.
iii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Neckerchief. Dave proposed that a neckerchief be optional, vote was 5-5, and chairmanΒ’s casting vote went against, therefore not carried.
Practice and Tuition:
i.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  It was decided that we would give as much time as possible to our new members at least until Christmas, so that they would all be able to play a full part in the dancing out next year.
We shall concentrate on Adderbury and Bampton (after various styles discussed) after Christmas we would have a further assessment.
A list of dances would be compiled for dancing out next season.
ii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Instructionals. The side cannot afford to send anyone But Arthur has a list of instructionals for this winter if anyone is interested.
iii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Starting Time. 7.50pm PROMPT at the Consti, (not the King's Arms). Too much practice time is lost in the pub!
1985 Programme
i.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Tour Committee: Gerry, Andy, Dave, Tony, Will.
ii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Weekend Of Dance 20-2lst April 1985.Dave has put a lot of work into this and presented a
programme for the weekend together with costings. It was agreed on a majority vote that we continue with this event, and it is hoped that the whole Side would give a commitment to this Weekend.
iii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Two other bookings for 1985 were definite:
Sunday 25rd June 2 Derby MM will join us for the day and evening.
19-21st July Derby MM Anniversary Weekend.
iv.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Ring Meeting 1985 we would not attend one, but the Derby weekend would probably be just as good.
v.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Dancing England1985 Dave said a coach would probably be going from the Stockport area for anyone interested.
vi.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  10th Anniversary Celebrations. The year starts 10th September 1985. Will proposed the following events (not necessarily exhaustive). Reunion meeting, Ale, Christmas Dinner, Day of Dance, Dancing at Sandbach F.D.C. (who celebrate their 10th Anniversary and where we did our first public show).
Committee for celebrations Will, Dave, Arthur, Randall.
vii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  May-Day Dawn. The problem was a suitable venue, but anyone with suggestions should speak to the Tours Committee. The matter would be raised again nearer the time.
viii.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Programme of Events- It was suggested that we produce a programme of events together with a few notes about the side as a handout. Arthur drafted notes a couple of years ago but the side couldn't agree on a format.
ix.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Alford Festival organised by Grimsby MM over the Bank Holiday weekend. It is a family weekend with camping. Approximate cost Β£8-9. Arthur to collect names.
x.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Folk Festival. Dave mentioned several possibilities such as Cleethorpes and Lichfield.
By this time the members present totalled seven so it was somewhat difficult to make realistic decisions reflecting the views of the side.
Any Other Business
i. Poster Β— artwork being done.
ii. Letter Heed - Will had an example drawn up.
iii. Area Reps meeting 27th October 1984 11am to 2pm in Sheffield. If anyone is willing to go and represent the side, Arthur has details.
iv. Christmas Dinner, The Royal Hotel, Hayfield, Friday December 7th 1984.
v. Voting Rights at the AGM. At present to vote a member must have performed out with the side. In future, it would be left to the discretion of the members present. Rights may be extended to others present eg new members.
The meeting closed at 12.10 am
AGM 1985
Arthur, Pete, Jim, Andy, John N, Gerry, Kevin, Randall, Will, Ged, Bob.
1.Β Β Β Β Β  Apologies:
from John G., Dave, Tony
2.Β Β Β Β Β  Minutes of 1984 AGM:
3.Β Β Β Β Β  Matters Arising:
John N didn't leave the club.
4.Β Β Β Β Β  Squire's Report:
Will mentioned several highlights:
The Weekend of Dance in April went off very well; Dave was thanked for his efforts.
The Derby Weekend seemed to be the Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men show!
Gorton Rushcart seemed like a walk-about interspersed with a little dancing.
Will thanked Arthur for his efforts as Bagman and also our new members who enabled us to fulfil our programme.
Will made a special award to Ged for his hard work as Tutor, he has taken a lot of stick and is always talked about when not there (in the nicest possible way)!
5.Β Β Β Β Β  BagmanΒ‘s Report:
Arthur felt that he had said enough every week throughout the year without saying more. He thanked everyone for their help and consideration.
6.Β Β Β Β Β  Treasurer's Report:
see separate sheet, given at AGM.
Bagman's expenses for 1984-5 were agreed at Β£100
Pete gave a vote of thanks to the Squire, Bagman and Treasurer.
7.Β Β Β Β Β  TutorΒ’s Report:
Ged said that we hadn't achieved all we had set out in our practice programme last Autumn, but this wasn't necessarily a bad thing. We had concentrated on bringing newer members up to a good standard. As this last objective had been achieved everything was worthwhile.
8.Β Β Β Β Β  Election of Officers:
Squire: Pete: proposed by Arthur, seconded by Will
There were no other nominations and Pete was unanimously elected.
Pete said he thought that our dancing at times had lost its sharpness, we needed new targets to strive for. Pete referred to the letter from the Squire of the Ring regarding standards of dance - a copy had previously been distributed to all members. Pete would like each member to learn a jig.
Treasurer: Randall: proposed by Gerry seconded by Kevin. Elected unopposed.
Tutor: Ged: proposed by Andy seconded by Will. Elected unopposed.
Bagman; Arthur: proposed by Jim seconded by Randall. Elected unopposed.
Stickman: Pete volunteered and locals offered assistance.
Publicity: Kevin volunteered.
Foreman: Gerry: proposed by John seconded by Will. Elected unopposed.
Fool: John N. proposed by Arthur seconded by Pill. Elected unopposed.
Ged said he would like to Β‘foolΒ’ if John wasn't present.
Scrap book: Tony is continuing his good work.
Ragman: Will proposed by Randall seconded by John N
9.Β Β Β Β Β  Costume: only one proposition;
Β‘that the side adopt green or yellow neckerchiefs'.
proposed by Tony, seconded by Alan.
The proposition was not carried.
10.Β  Programme 1986
Tour Committee: Pete, Kevin, Andy
10th Anniversary Weekend 13 Β– 15 June
Committee formed at 1984 AGM: Randall, Will, Arthur and Dave. Pete was co-opted onto the committee.
Silurian and White Rose have been invited.
Ring Meeting 1986
Of the six possibles, three got no support. (Manchester, Shakespeare and East Surrey). The other three all got good support:
Thaxted:30th May Β– 1st June (weekend after Spring Bank Holiday, weekend before Thelwall, if we go , and two weeks before our 10th Anniversary Weekend. Β£27
(Arthur, Pete, Andy, Ged, Will, John N, Jim)
White Rose:Huddersfield 4th Β– 6th July Β£15
(John N, Andy, Gerry, Jim, Ged, Arthur, Randall, Pete)
Harthill:5 Β– 7 September Β£28
(Will, Randall, Pete, Arthur, Gerry, Andy, Ged, Jim)
To be raised at Monday eveningpractice, indication required by Ring by November.
Sandbach Saturday January 18th 1986
Folk Dance Club annual Ceilidh invitation, including complimentary tickets for partners. Those present agreed we would go.
Thelwall - Saturday June 7th l986
Decision left until we decide on Ring Meeting.
Castleton 1986
CollectorΒ’s license required by end of November.
Tour committee to decide date and advise Arthur.
11.Β  Any Other Business
Christmas Dinner: Friday 20th December, Royal, Hayfield. Β£5.95 for turkey
Song: Proposed that: the side commit itself to learning at least one song for the coming season. Tony proposed, seconded by Alan. After some discussion, the motion was not carried, but Gerry proposed
That the Officers encourage the development of singing. This was seconded by Randall and carried.
Fool and Animal
Tony proposed and Alan seconded the motion that; the side make greater efforts to field both a fool and an animal on as many occasions as possible. This motion was carried. It was felt that the previous animal was too heavy, and a new design was required. Arthur agreed to approach Harry over whereabouts of the one Dominic used to have.
Back Badge
The motion that; a man dancing a jig in public be awarded a back badge, was proposed by John N and seconded by Pete, and carried.
Back Badge was discussed last year but a decision deferred because of shortage of funds.
John N agreed to look into basic back badge which would be individually embellished by their owners.
Christmas Tour
Of local places, especially old peopleΒ’s homes. This would be raised nearer the time.
Social Event during the year
It was suggested that we have some events during the summer together with partners.
Suggestions include:
ten pin bowling (Gerry)
swimming (Arthur)
canal trip (Andy)
treasure hunt, games evening (Kevin/Andy).
Any other ideas should be discussed by Christmas.
May Day Dancing
- as per 1984 minutes if a suitable venue can be found, this would be considered further.
Meeting closed 10.45pm.
AGM 1986
Arthur, Harry, Bob, Randall, John, Pete, Kevin, Andy, Jim, Gerry, Tony, Ged, Will, Alan, Mike
Minutes of the 1985 AGM
Accepted (proposed Randall seconded Arthur)
Matters Arising:
Proposition that back-badges would only be given to those who have danced a jig was revoked. Back-badges have been distributed to each man. Ged said that due to Β‘assortedΒ’ accidents he had been unable to fulfil his commitment to take the animal out more often.
SquireΒ’s Report:
Pete gave a review of the year remarking on the rain in Macclesfield at Christmas, snow at the Shady Oak at Easter, and events more pleasurably memorable at Manchester Morris MenΒ’s Day of Dance, our 10th Anniversary Weekend of Dance, the Green Oak Day and the National Garden Festival.
Pete felt that our presentation sometimes lacked impact, the standard of dance was not uniformly high but had improved towards the end of the season. He stressed the need for people to be on time for bookings and to keep the dancing crisp.
He finished by thanking Arthur for his efforts as Bagman over the past six years. Thereupon there was a round of applause (guess whoΒ’s writing these minutes). Pete, on behalf of the side, presented Arthur with an engraved tankard.
BagmanΒ’s Report:
Arthur said he had enjoyed being Bagman over the past six years, but it was time to Β‘relaxΒ’ for a while and allow someone else to do the Β‘badgeringΒ’ and Β‘pesteringΒ’.
He pointed out that the role of Bagman should be to co-ordinate and act as a contact point.
He suggested that to make life somewhat easier for the Bagman, if anyone wanted to be released from a commitment, that person should do the necessary to try and find a replacement, rather than leave the onus on the Bagman.
Arthur thanked everyone for their help and tolerance over the last six years.
TreasurerΒ’s Report:
Randall gave out a balance sheet.
He remarked that the collections were down in 1986, a combination of poor weather and the fact that on some occasions the side out was not big enough to permit rigorous collecting.
The BagmanΒ’s expenses were set at Β£130. It was noted that the BagmanΒ’s expenses had risen from Β£80 to Β£130 in two years, and that the Bagman had previously been under-recompensed.
TutorΒ’s Report:
Ged said that standards were poor on some occasions. Practices must be fully utilised over the winter. He felt it was time to earn a new tradition to broaden the horizons of experienced dancers whilst enabling inexperienced ones to join in fully.
Practice Β– Winter 86/87:
A discussion ensued following GedΒ’s comments and was formulated as follows:
a. The side will learn a new tradition
b. The side would practise some Β‘show dancesΒ’ Β– to be decided by consensus
c. The side would continue to Β‘reviseΒ’ our current traditions danced
The proposition to hold a Bampton Instructional was withdrawn
1987 Programme
It was felt that sometimes too much time was wasted on days out by travelling and waiting around rather than dancing. The side had not practised between Easter and September Β– instead we had danced out on Monday nights. It was agreed that we should have an occasional Monday night practice in the summer months.
It was also noted that Monday nights out were most enjoyable when with another side.
The side decided to apply to go to the Exeter Ring Meeting 17th Β– 19th July 1987
Display disciplines
Must be improved. A plea was made for clearer calling during dances.
Election of Officers:
Tours Committee:
Kevin, Jim, Pete, Bob
We had some difficulties on occasions in raising a side for bookings, and a discussion on ways of getting new people along ensued. Recent new men have joined as a result of seeing us dance. Several avenues to explore were suggested; a handout at bookings; dance at folk clubs; indoor bookings. An invitation to Mellor Men to join our practices would also be extended.
Christmas Dinner
Dates and venues to be discussed
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 1987
Minutes of the A.G.M. Held on 5th October 1987
Arthur, Peter, John, Bob, Randall, Will, Ged, Allan, Kevin, Gerry, Tony, Jim
Minutes of meeting held on 13th October 1986 were accepted
Matters arising
Our application for the Exeter Ring meeting arrived too late. Ged suggested that any action agreed upon at an A.G.M. should have some-one nominated to carry it out.
Squire's Report
Peter reviewed the bookings and dancing out during the year. He said he felt that bookings such as Buxton Methodist Church were good for the side. The highlight of the year was the weekend with the Wadard men. Christopher and Liam had danced in in their own right and Peter asked Will and Gerry to convey his thanks to them.
Over the year, Mike had moved away, although he has danced a couple of times, Andy seems to have drifted away from Morris and Amos joined another side as musician. Peter gave a special word of thanks to Ged for both his instruction and his fooling.
Peter said that it had been a steady, settled year and that it was important to recognise our role as a small side.
Ged thanked Peter for coping with the shortage of dancers.
BagmanΒ’s report
Gerry said he had not been able to find the time to do the job as well as he would have liked and as the situation was not going to improve he would have to resign. Gerry thanked Peter and Will for helping him out and providing timely reminders. There had been no problems this year with people not turning up for bookings as the shortage of dancers left no room for manoeuvre.
TreasurerΒ’s Report
see sheet circulated at meeting.
Peter thanked Randall for providing us with projected expenses as well as a balance sheet as this made planning easier.
Bagman's expenses were set at Β£80. Gerry said that the expenses had been lower this year for specific reasons and a precedent should not be made.
Tutor's Report
Ged said that he had achieved most of his objectives of last year. Attendance at practice had been fairly regular and good use had made of the evenings. Tony commented that the set of dances at the end of the evening was useful. Ged said he would like to teach Chris and Liam Adderbury.
1988 Programme
Peter thought that one of the bank holiday tours should be changed and it was decided that the Spring Bank Holiday should come forward a week
Randal proposed that we go to Thaxted Ring Meeting, 3 -5 June. Arthur seconded and the proposal was carried. 10 places to be booked.
Tony said he would circulate hotels in the hope of getting some winter bookings.
Peter was a bit concerned that learning Sherbourne might take the polish off other dances if we did winter bookings.
Dancing out on Mondays to run from May to July, but possibly some Wednesdays instead to attract a larger crowd.
Combining posts of Tutor and Foreman
Jim proposed, Will seconded, proposal carried
Election of officers
The following officers were elected unopposed:
Election of Tours Committee
It was decided this committee should be ex-officio squire, bagman, publicity
People asked to bring suggestions of venues next week.
Any Other Business
Randal said that he had received a circular from Alderbrook School Magazine asking for advertisers, cost Β£6. It was agreed to take an advert.
Xmas dinner to be on January 8th 1988. Suggested venue: Crown and Mitre.
At one space in the evening the idea was put forward of having team postcards for sale but it was decided against.
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 1988 (No formal record -Agenda and notes transcribed)
Monday 10th October 1988
Apologies for absence Β– Kevin
Minutes of AGM Oct 5 1987
Matters Arising
SquireΒ’s Report
BagmanΒ’s Report
TreasurerΒ’s Report
TutorΒ’s ForemanΒ’s Report
1989 Program
Election of Officers
Squire Β– Peter
Treasurer - Randall
Bagman - Bob
Foreman - Ged
Stickman - Will
Ragman - Will
Fool Β– Ged
Posters - Bagman
Badges - ?
Move end of financial year to Aug 31 - done
Ring Meeting Tideswell 1992 - ?
Xmas Dinner
Reps for 1989 A.R.M. Β– Ripley
Members Present: Peter, Bob, Randall, Gerry, Will, Alan, Arthur, Jim, John, Julian, Ged
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 1989 (No formal record -Agenda and notes transcribed)
Monday 10th October 1989?
Apologies for absence Β– Kevin
Minutes of AGM Oct 5 1987 (sic)
Matters Arising
SquireΒ’s Report
BagmanΒ’s Report - Β£100 expenses
TreasurerΒ’s Report
TutorΒ’s ForemanΒ’s Report
1989 Programme (sic)- dancing
- spots
Election of Officers
Squire Β– Peter
Treasurer - Randall
Bagman - Bob
Foreman - Ged
Stickman - Will
Publicity - Bagman
Ragman - Will
Fool Β– Ged
Posters Β– Suggestions for posters to Bob
Badges Β– Report back
Move end of financial year to Aug 31 - done
Ring Meeting Tideswell 1992 - ?
Xmas Dinner Β– Fri Dec 16 Β£12.00
Reps for 1989 A.R.M. Β– Ripley 19th March
Publicity leaflet
Fool costume
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 1990
Minutes of A.G.M. Monday 10th September 1990 8pm
Julian, Ian, Ged, Malcolm, Peter, Robin, Jim, John, Arthur, Randall, Gerry, Will, Kevin
Allan, Bob, Chris, Alex
1. Minutes 1989
Since there was no official record from 1989, GedΒ‘s notes were used as a reminder.
2. Matters arising
Back badges. Only two had been decorated (Alex and John). Others to be completed before next season.
Money for kit Β— see Β‘costumeΒ’.
New venues. Squirrels, Fox, Dog and Partridge, all successful.
New dances. Badby: Beaux of London City, Broad Cupid and Old Black Joe danced out.
3. Squire's Report
Gerry welcomed Alex and Ian and thanked them for their contribution to the side's dancing. He welcomed Malcolm and thanked him for his enthusiastic support.
Contact with other sides: Lichfield feast, where curry recipe had been changed. Gerry concerned about strength of, beer, since Alex had been breathalised and it had not registered! Stafford at Tideswell - we are now on their programme. Gorton at the Romper, drinks too pricy for them? Cheshire Royals, Jemmers and Kinnerton at C.R.'s Day of Dance. A.R.M. attended by Gerry and Jim. Derby, Man Friday, Green Ginger, Jockey, Boar's Head, and Stevenage Sword at second enjoyable Buxton Weekend.
Programme: Easter Tour started at Edale as usual where we were joined by Tony and Chris. Bakewell on May Day Tour was not too successful. The Monday evenings had been very enjoyable. High spots were the singing at the Dog and Partridge with a tenor who put us to shame, and at The Lazy Landlord with the only singer worse than us! Chelmorton was excellent again and we were invited back to the Beehive.
Charity bookings: Mencap at Glossop (will be asked again), John Duncan, Chapel and Chinley Schools. Princess DiΒ‘s visit to Whaley Bridge was remembered by local children as 'Ged Morten's' visit.
Performance: Increase in number of dancers helped the general performance. However this has led to longer dance spots which are a strain on a single musician. The standard of dancing has generally been good but wavered slightly at Buxton Weekend.
Gerry thanked Randall as musician, Will as Bagman, Peter and Ged (for their support) and every member of the side.
Peter led vote of thanks to Gerry.
4. Bagman's Report
Very little to add to such a full report from the Squire. Increase in dancing members has meant that there has been little need to Β‘chaseΒ’ people about bookings. During 1990 CMM had 6 Day Tours, 11: Pub Evenings, 6 Bookings and 2 Days of Dance. 14 invitations/bookings were turned down. Average attendance was 11.9.
5. Treasurer's report
Accounts were presented and accepted. There had been a lack of paid bookings but perhaps, with more numbers, it would be possible to accept more. Gerry thanked Randall once again for such clear and comprehensive accounts.
6. ForemanΒ’s report
Ged said his report would be short since much could be read in his book. Up to Christmas a range of dances practised including new tradition Badby (12 dances practised with 4 selected for performance) and Upton Hankie (practised but not up to performance standard). After Christmas a programme of 4 sets was chosen and these were the dances performed during the season. Ged felt the stated aims of AGM 1989 had been achieved. Monday nights had benefitted from good turn-outs.
Gerry thanked Ged for all his hard work.
7. Election of Officers
There was a discussion on the role of a second fool or animal. Votes in favour of animal. Ged to bring animal to practice to investigate possibilities!
Bagman's expenses were raised and set at Β£120. Will to continue to monitor his expenses.
8. Programme 1991
1990 programme was discussed and Will agreed to produce proposed 1991programme as soon as possible with the intention of advertising in local events calendars etc. Buxton Weekend committee had not met but general feeling that it should continue to form part of the programme.
Ring Meeting 1991.
lst choice -Harwich (21st-23rd June). 2nd choice - Martlet (26thΒ—28th July)
9. Practice
General discussion of Lichfield, Upton Hankie, Badby, Sherbourne and Jigs. Ged to arrange a programme from mood of the meeting. Ged would also contact 3local youths re. joining the side for practice. Musicians could practise at end of evening and be given opportunities to play solo for dances when confident.
10. Performance
Gaps between dances too long despite forewarning by Squire. Should stick to dances nominated by Squire. Ged found programme organising and fooling impossible. Deputy Squire to be nominated if need arose. Non-dancers should not obstruct audience's view of the dancing. Once to yourself should be short. Walk on to be taken seriously at practice.
11. Costume
Β£57 still available for kit from last year. Faded baldricks to be refurbished. Inspection to be organised at one practice night. Will to check prices for rosettes. Ged to check prices for ribbon and hankies. Possibility of embroidered hankies via Peter's contact.
12. AOB
Christmas dinner Β— suggestions asap to practice night
Badges - Will to investigate prices
Programme - Will to investigate
Thanks to Randall for beer and Arthur for food.
AGM 1991
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Monday, 9th September, 1991. 8.10 p.m. start.
Randall, Gerry, Julian, Malcolm, Kevin, Ian, Alex, Trevor, Peter, Arthur, Jim, John.
Will, Chris, Liam, Robin.
Ged. (Minuted by popular request.) One minute late.
1. Minutes of 1990 A.G.M.
The minutes of last year's A.G.M. were accepted unanimously as a fair and accurate account of the meeting. (Prop.-Gerry, Sec.-Randall)
2. Matters arising:
New kit - see Squire's report (and accounts).
The animal - enquiries were made into the whereabouts and ancestry of the animal. Ged knows where it is stabled and consideration is to be given to resurrecting it this year.
The Programme - this made its appearance this year, successfully.
3. Squire's Report.
The Squire extended a welcome to Malcolm (his first year as a dancer), Chris (as a new member) and to Trevor (recruited at Buxton). These additions mirrored last years.
Dancing standard - did not attain last year's heights (or depths). Forming up (good at first) degenerated. We were under strength at Marple and danced 50 minutes late: this must not recur. The combined might of the side failed to raise the Chapel Carnival Queen in "Valentine". The new kit is a great improvement and makes the side brighter. There are several new sets of bell pads to be made.
The side danced at Moulton Β— a cheap, enjoyable weekend, to which we have a perpetual invitation. Gerry thanked Jim for standing in as Squire at Chichester. No bad reports had been received, the
dancing went well, particularly the walking on. Monday evenings had gone fairly well; all the Landlords had been welcoming and had invited us back. Guest sides were Black Bear (Little Mill) and
Shuttlers' Clog (Chelmorton). Other bookings were for Taddington Church and Chinley Church. Buxton Weekend had been enjoyable, with better accommodation this year.
A Deputy Squire or Dance Leader should be available to coordinate forming up and walking on whilst the Squire is announcing. The first in line should check that numbers are correct. Kevin requested that
we practise walking on.
Peter and will had represented the side at the Ring A.R.M.
Gerry thanked Will for the work he had put in throughout the year. He thanked Randall for his duties as Treasurer and Musician, Ged for his work (particularly on Malcolm), Malcolm for "sticking it out", and Jim and Will for the August Bank Holiday and solvency. He had enjoyed the year as
Squire...."it could have been a lot worse." Arthur thanked Gerry on behalf of the side. (seconded: Randall)
4. Bagman's report.
Will's report was given in absentio and is appended in full. He pointed out that there is no reason for the bagman to be involved in the Buxton Weekend organisation and asked for volunteers.
5. Treasurers Report.
Randall presented the balance sheet for year ending 31st. August. Some discussion ensued concerning expenditure on kit which had left us unable to pay travelling expenses for the Ring meeting. It was decided to pay expenses but levy an additional kit subsidy if necessary.
The Easter Monday tour was a financial washout. The "Stripper" had discussed possible sponsorship.
5. Foreman's Report.
The side had gained two new members (Malcolm and Chris). It had danced four Lichfield dances regularly together with Badby, Bledington, Fieldtown and Bucknall in three programmes of six
dances. On occasions we had insufficient men to dance Lichfield. The side practices hard but can sometimes be ragged "on the day"....particularly "Step and fetch her".
7. Election of officers. (part one)
Bagman - Will (nominated Gerry seconded Randall)
Treasurer - Randall (proposed Gerry seconded Kevin)
Foreman - Ged (proposed Gerry seconded Randall)
The A.G.M. was adjourned (9.25 Β– 10.00p.m.) for refreshment and phone calls.
7. Election of officers (part two)
Squire - Robin (in absentio) nominated by Will (in absentio) seconded Gerry (present).
Ragman - Jim. Proposed John seconded Gerry & Arthur.
Stickman - Gerry. Proposed Randall seconded Arthur.
Fool - Ged. Proposed Gerry seconded Randall.
Gerry continued as Chairman.
All positions were elected unopposed.
8. l992 Programme.
Gerry suggested that we include Buxton in tours when possible. Either Faithfull City or Forest of Dean Ring Meeting will be attended. Six members indicated their willingness to attend Kemps
Kamp if invited. Eight members wished to go to Moulton. (JB has names). Financial constraint prevented attendance at Ring Instructionals.
9. Practice.
Ged outlined several possibilities Β— a new tradition, revive Sherbourne, more Lichfield, Upton-on-Severn hankie, more short stick dances, relearn Bledington......We have to shed some dances if
we learn new material. A bit more effort would give us Castlering however we couldn't always raise eight men. We should either learn more short stick dances or give up Constant Billy (Headington).
The side needs a restricted number of simpler dances performed well. Ged would like to keep Sherbourne alive with Orange in Bloom. John would like a solo jig session. Jim asked for more uniformity of double step and travelling distance in corner dances. Any performance problems should be aired during the season; members standing out should monitor performance. Arthur proposed that we dance "Bonny Green" without public involvement, sometimes, and use Circassian Circle to involve the audience. John proposed that we do not lift Carnival Queens; Alex suggested substitution of "The Rose" if we do.
10. Any Other Business.
Gerry voiced his thanks to all concerned with the new kit. Hilda's Azalea is budding nicely.
Kevin suggested we learn some team songs, and was nominated by Jim to do so.
The Squirrels had provided a Christmas menu.
Nobody objected to sponsorship subject to the approval of the organisation concerned by the side.
Ring travel expenses (deferred from 5. above) were discussed. It was decided to pay expenses now and recognise the possibility of raising an additional levy in the future. (Proposed by Peter and carried by a 10-0 vote).
Gerry thanked Arthur for the food and Randall for the beer.
The meeting closed at ll.41p.m.
AGM 1992
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Monday l4th September 1992 8.18pm start
Ged, Ian, Jim, John, Julian, Malcolm, Peter, Randall, Robin, Trevor, Will
Alex, Allan, Arthur, Gerry, Kevin,
Robin welcomed new member, Nigel Lloyd, who joined meeting.
l. Minutes of l99l AGM
paragraph 9. line 9 should read "John would like a solo jig session for
musiciansΒ”. The minutes were then accepted unanimously as a fair and accurate
record of the meeting. (prop. Trevor sec. Ged)
2. Matters arising
Bell pads - one set of new bell pads still not completed (Kevin). Squire expects all dancers to be performing with new bell pads from now on.
3. Squire's Report
No new recruits this year but formally welcomed Steve who joined the side last year as a musician.
The dancing standard had been good but still some confusion with walk-ons, notably in Lichfield and Badby. In comparison with many sides seen this year our kit is Β‘one of the best' and we should endeavour to keep it to a high standard. The animal has reappeared this season and has made a major
contribution to the overall display (thanks to Allan). The problem of using Valentine as a dance for Β‘maiden raisingΒ’ was mentioned and the Rose proposed as an alternative. This was generally agreed.
Side had been away for two weekends, Kemps Kemp in July and Hartley Ring Meeting in September. Standard of dance was good despite depressing weather at Kemps and lack of dancing at Hartley. Randall interjected! with thanks to Robin and Will for the Β‘Big Heads' performance at Kemps. Side attended Lichfield Ale in February - good event as usual, but ideas required for 1993 to upstage Derby! Guest sides on Monday nights were Black Bear at Β‘The RomperΒ‘, ShuttlersΒ‘ Clog at Chelmorton, and Fidlers Fancy at Β‘Dog and PartridgeΒ’. Our 3rd weekend of dance for the year was at Buxton - again very enjoyable.
Robin and Will represented side at Ring ARM, organised by Moulton. New look programme eventually arrived, following discussions with our sponsor (an original contact of Ged's). Thanks to John Humpherstone for his contribution to the side in sponsoring its production.
Robin thanked Will for work as Bagman, and Randall for work as Treasurer and Musician. He also thanked Gerry and Malcolm for their contributions to the smooth running of the Buxton Weekend. He also thanked Natalie for the work she did on the catering front. It could not have been easy cooking for that number, especially with Gerry and Malcolm to help! He thanked Ged, who during the last winter put in another sterling performance as Foreman, and, despite everyone's efforts, managed to turn out a good side for 1992 that was arguably the best Robin had seen since joining the side. Robin finally thanked all members of the side for support over the year. The job of Squire had been enjoyable and this must be due to the side's enthusiasm and understanding.
Peter led a vote of thanks for Robin's hard work throughout the season.
4. Bagman's report
There had been 22 members on the books for the season plus Adam and Nicholas. Of these only Liam and Michael had not performed. Tony had been out twice (at the first performance, Whaley Bridge, and the last performance, Hartley). Roger had helped out on four occasions as musician. There had been a regular squad of 18 men, which has helped with the general standard of performance.
The breakdown of outings is as follows with last year's comparison in brackets.
Tours 5 (5), W/E Dance 3 (3), Pub Evenings 13 (12), Paid bookings 6 (3), Feasts 2 (1), Free do's 4 (5)
There were two embarrassing events for the collector (Chapel Methodist Church and Taddington Wells Dressing). Will apologised for the uncertainty concerning these two events. The side turned down at least 12 other events.
Attendance average for Monday nights 15.9 (13.5)
Attendance average for other bookings 10.7 (10.3)
These figures highlight the fact that, despite the increase in size, the side still has problems turning out numbers for 'holiday' bookings. Will suggested that the dancing venues might need updating. (see programme)
The programmes had been very impressive. 2000 had been produced and distributed, and, later on, 500 posters had been supplied. The posters had arrived too late for the idea of displaying a season's programme in selected locations, but this idea is possible for next year. The programmes generated extra publicity (eg through free press). Will said that there was still room for extra publicity via badges, etc. and hoped to discuss this with the sponsor at a future meeting. He asked for the side's guidance in quoting charges for performances (see AOB).
5. TreasurerΒ’s report
Randall presented the accounts for the year ending 31 August 1992 (attached).
Collections were up by about 50% thanks to more aggressive collecting (Ged), and the benefit of extras, Adam and Nicholas holding the crowd. Fees and donations remained the same. Buxton W/E accounts were not yet finalised and it was not known if any surplus would come to the side. John commented that the Deposit A/C had not increased largely due to the worldwide recession!
Sundry expenses were Christmas lunch and Randall thanked Rita on behalf of the side. The Ring Meeting expenses had been less than anticipated because it coincided with some membersΒ’ holidays. The sundry debtor was Tony for the Hartley Ring Meeting but this has now been paid. Tea and coffee at Buxton on Spring Bank Holiday were essential because of the heat! Robin thanked Randall for his work and such a clear set of accounts.
6. Foreman's report
Practice aimed to improve straight lines and make hankie and feet movements more precise. The first two achieved some success over the winter but there were still some problems with feet movements. Different forms of walk on were tried and RobinΒ‘s suggestion of moving round one place to learn a different position was successful. Ged noted Robin's contribution to the teaching, standing in for Ged on a number of occasions.
Lichfield was practised and the style tightened up. Although Castlering was practised it didn't make the grade! From the new short stick dances, Beansetting survived (but not Rigs) to become a fairly regular dance (Trevor's speciality), but perhaps not universally appreciated. On one occasion only
Trevor turned the right way! We talked about doing Orange in Bloom but this suggestion did not receive the enthusiasm expected. Bledington basics went well and Upton Hankie developed admirably. General dancing at the end of the evening helped to reinforce the 3 set programmes + l reserve set that was ready for Christmas. Welcome back to Dearest Dickie.
Ged said that he had not found last year easy. Memory and concentration had been lacking and this had resulted in poor dedication to the side. He had not enjoyed the teaching but had found it a chore. It had been difficult to teach the new members and look after the rest of the side's interests. Also by not dancing on Monday nights he felt he had become stale. He felt that the side would benefit from a change, particularly someone with more motivation. On dancing days it had been difficult to act as Foreman, collect, fool, sometimes announce, and look after Adam. He thanked the side for their support over the years.
Will proposed a vote of thanks to Ged (seconded Randall}, for being the driving force over so many years to raise our standard of dancing and for coping with the unending banter with such good humour. Jim reminded us that Ged's teaching went right back to the beginning of the side when Ged helped out with very early instruction. Peter added his thanks as an ex Squire. Malcolm said that both he and Trevor as newest members had learnt a lot from Ged's patience and endeavour. There was not a dry eye in the room!
7. Election of officers
Bagman:Will prop Trevor sec Randall
Treasurer:Randall prop Will sec Trevor
Fool:Ged prop Malcolm sec Jim
Ragman:Malcolm prop Jim sec John
Scrapman:deferred till Alex returns (Tony standing down)
Stickman:deferred till next Monday meeting
Foreman:Jim prop Trevor sec John
Meeting adjourned for food 9.38pm
Ged announced news of latest Morten April/May 1993. Robin asked him to be more precise!
Meeting reconvened at 10.10pm
8. Programme
Ring meetings for 1993 were announced as below.
14/l6 May Utrecht cΒ£3S
4/6 June Thaxted
18/20 July Richmondshire Streethouse
9/11 July Benfieldside
3/S Sep Winchester
l7/l9 Sep Chalice
Since final details were not yet available, voting etc was deferred till details arrived from Ring. Will to contact Bagman of the Ring to try and expedite this process. Utrecht meeting not considered the best way for the side to gain experience best experience of trip abroad.
Will proposed a fresh look at the Programme, since some dance spots did not seem satisfactory either from ambience, collection, or safety. Ian asked if we always had to dance outside pubs. Some discussion ensued. Robin had already discovered some good spots outside our immediate area (some of which we used to dance at). He selected a subcommittee (Ian, Malcolm and Randall) to investigate and collate possible new dance venues. Suggestions from anyone would be welcomed. Committee to report back on Monday 12th October. Will also suggested that the side consider planning a day/weekend of dance, possibly along the lines of Kemps Kamp (ie not just Morris), in preparation for the 20th anniversary of the side in 1995. Robin suggested a possible scenario of DoD in 1993, weekend of Dance in 1994 and a Grand Weekend in 1995. The tours committee would take this into consideration when investigating venues.
9. Practice
Jim outlined some initial ideas as new Foreman. He did not want to teach a new tradition but wanted to consolidate and bring back some dances that the side used to dance, including Bledington and, possibly, Longborough. He also wanted to teach the Ring mass dances for next year, so beginners would have a chance to dance these at Ring Meetings. (Will to contact Ring to obtain list
of mass dances asap.) Robin and Jim would meet to arrange the practice format. Robin asked everyone to inform Jim of their 2 favourite and the least favourite dance from last season's repertoire, and one new dance (from a tradition the side dances) that they would like to learn. John asked whether
more short stick dances would be included (following last year's AGM discussion). Robin said this would be looked at again when selecting dances for a programme. John also asked whether stepping practice would be included on Monday nights. Robin and Jim agreed that this would form part of the
practice, possibly helped by learning jigs. Will mentioned possible change of practice venue to Chinley Chapel, which might enable separate practices in adjoining rooms. Julian brought up start time for Monday night practices. There was some discussion about moving the start time to 8pm, when more people might be able to be on time. Since this might be altered by a change of location, or by the new arrangements of a caretaker at the Playhouse, it was decided to defer the decision about a new start time. Robin said that whatever the ultimate decision he would like start times tightened up.
10. Performance
John asked that walk-offs should be fixed at same time as walk-ons, eg Lichfield stick collecting. It was important that the side finished as neatly as they began. Robin said the walk-on would be always be in two lines, side by side, and this would he practised during the winter. Ian asked for greater concentration during stick clashing to avoid appalling 'miss-clashing'. He also asked whether side could make sure that they didn't drop hankies when dancing by securing them more tightly. John queried whether the side made the most of collecting possibilities. He thought that this should be more organised, ie specific people detailed to collect at certain times (eg at Buxton Weekend). There was concern that some people do not like collecting and would object to being Β‘compelledΒ’ to do so. Will said that once you start collecting at a venue it is important to realise you will be out of about
three dances at least. Robin agreed to make the collection part of announcement and asked the tours committee to bear collections in mind when looking at possible venues. He proposed a meeting with Ged to discuss possible strategies for collecting. Trevor volunteered to be chief collector.
11.Β  Kit
Ian asked whether the Rag waistcoats were to be part of our future kit. After some discussion it was agreed that the side should look at possible alternatives in consultation with the Ragman. John asked whether we should change the front badge to a Peak District stag. This was rejected on the grounds that Chapel-en-le-Frith is not in the Peak District. John also raised the question of extra badges on the baldrick (eg Ring badges, host badges at Ring meetings, etc). It was agreed unanimously that no badge, apart from agreed back badge on rosette, should be on the baldrick (prop. Robin, sec. Ian). Ged reminded the side that it was important to keep up the high standard of the kit by ensuring white shirts and socks.
12. Publicity
Ged suggested we have a publicity board to be left outside pub venues during the preceding week (cf Martlet Morris). Robin to make a prototype. Ged also had a contact for car stickers and badges. Will to investigate badges (see minutes for AGM 1990!)
Meeting adjourned 12.17am
Meeting reopened Monday 21st September 7.45pm
Ged, Gerry, Ian, Jim, John, Nigel, Peter, Randall, Robin, Steve, Trevor, Will
Alex, Allan, Arthur, Kevin,
13. AOB
Bagman's expenses. Will proposed that expenses stayed at Β£120. If this proved too little he would inform the side during the year. He proposed the guideline of fees for Β£40 for one spot, Β£50 for two and Β£60 for three spots. Agreed by the side.
Christmas dinner to be at Β‘Dog and PartridgeΒ‘, Bridgemont on Friday December 18th.
Will proposed thanks to Julian for 1991 Minutes.
Gerry stood down as Stickman and Trevor was voted in unanimously (prop Will sec Jim). Will proposed thanks to Randall for supplying beer. Randall proposed vote of thanks to Will for supplying food. Jim suggested opening a fund for new kit, to avoid the huge expense during one year. It was agreed to divert Β£50 of present funds to this fund, and to aim for Β£50 next year, assuming no other priorities. After some discussion on why the side collected money, a vote was taken on subscriptions. 6 votes against subscriptions, 3 for investigating the possibility.
Meeting closed 8.34pm
AGM 1993
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 1993
Monday 13th September 1993 8.05pm start
Alex, Ged, Ian, Jim, John, Peter, Randall, Robin, Trevor, Will
Allan, Arthur, Julian, Kevin, Malcolm, Steve
1.1Accepted as a fair and accurate record of the meeting (Prop Jim Sec Trevor)
2.1Badges - deferred to BagmanΒ’s report
2.2Waistcoats - deferred to Β‘KitΒ’
2.3Stag badge - deferred to 'Kit'
3.1New recruit, Nigel, had attended well all year round. The lad done well!
3.2Dancing standard: Β— Reasonable. Difficult to follow very high standard of previous season. There were some adjustments to dances but no new traditions.
'Walk-onsΒ’ worked but we need to concentrate on pre walk-on organisation. Robin would like everyone to have copy of dance programme for 1994 (hat size)
Β‘The RoseΒ’ was improvement as maiden raiser. We still need to improve lifting technique.
3.3Dance Events
Christmas dinner v. enjoyable, if cramped
Christmas dance at Whaley. Enjoyable, especially free whisky.
Lichfield Ale Β— good time
Mottram Hall Wedding Β— an unusual booking
May 1st Β— A first for the side, dancing on Eccles Pike, with a bigger crowd than Β‘The LambΒ’. (Trevor proposed thanks, for breakfast facilities, to Rita and Robin. Randall seconded.)
Buxton W/E was great success despite curtailment by rain. Thanks to all involved.
Winchester Ring Meeting was notable by CMM leading dancing in outdoor, unheated swimming pool; ride and dance on Swanage on the Watercress Line; midnight curry dash; 11 meals in a w/e; cream cakes and cake shops.
3.4Monday nights
Chelmorton with Shuttlers' Clog; Romper, with Black Bear, a splendid night for all (bar one); Cock & Pheasant with Jemmers; return booking at Dog & Partridge
3.5Thanks to:
Will: for work as Bagman
Randall: for work as treasurer (unnoticed) and musician
Jim: for work as Foreman despite his (Jim's) initial reservations
Trevor: for running tour for whole day at Buxton W/E
Allan: for being an excellent beast
Allan & Malcolm: for Buxton W/E. Especially knowing that Foodman and Drinkman cancelled shortly before the weekend
Everyone: for all the support that helped Robin enjoy being Squire
4.1Members: 21 + Adam and Nicholas. Chris, Michael and Tony didn't attend any bookings
4.2Outings: 3(5) Tours; W/E Dance 2(3); Pub Eves. 14(13): Paid Bookings 4(6); Feasts 1(2); Free doΒ’s 3(4\. () = last season's figures. We turned down 7 Feasts, 7 Tours/DoD's, 10 paid bookings.
4.3Attendance: Monday nights 13.8 (15.9) Others 12 (10.7) General attendance very good and more evenly spread than last year. No major problems with any bookings.
4.4Programmes: Home grown, due to late contact with sponsor, but still effective.
4.5New spots: a number of successful finds eg Ashford, Longnor, Queen Anne, Marple Bridge, Navigation etc
4.6Apologies: no badges; Ashford, week after Well Dressing; too late for Whitestones at Chapel Carnival; dis/mis information about the Alresford Tour at Winchester Ring Meeting!
4.7High spots: turning out side for BBC at 6.30 am on Friday, after initial contact at 11am on Thursday. Thanks for prompt response. Also dancing on Eccles Pikelet at dawn.
What did happen at the Romper?
John commented how unusual it was that people turned up specifically to watch the dancing at Great Hucklow
Thanks to:
Arthur for programmes production
Ged for publicity, chivvying and contacting the sponsor
Robin (Geo) for Β‘The board‘— a great success
5.1Money high spot was a collection of over Β£100 on May Bank Holiday
5.2Rent showed big rise from last year Β£6 -Β£10
5.3Kit expenditure was on hells and sticks
5.4Β£50 to be put aside for kit (prop Peter, sec Randall)
5.5Some discussions on subscriptions and new memberΒ’s payment for kit
5.6Robin raised concern re: new regulations concerning bank charges for transactions. Randall confirmed no charges had been made.
6.1Aimed to consolidate and reinstate some old dances. Aimed to improve the side's double step - with some success.
6.2Thanks to everyone, but especially Robin who helped out with the teaching during the winter. Also thanked everyone for his engraved hip flask to commemorate 40 years of dancing
(Presented at Christmas Dinner 1992)
6.3Standing down as Foreman
Squire: Robin (prop Jim, sec Will)
Foreman: Ian (prop Will, sec Jim)
Treasurer: Randall (prop Alex, sec John)
Stickman: Trevor (prop Alex, sec John
Ragman: Malcolm (prop Trevor, sec Will)
Scrapman: Alex (prop Peter, sec Jim)
Fool: Ged (prop Trevor, sec Robin)
Bagman: Will (prop Trevor, sec Jim)
Will stood as Bagman on the understanding that this would be for one year only. Peter proposed (sec Ged) that the meeting empower the Squire to appoint Bagman Elect/ Deputy Bagman during the year. Will to discuss this with Malcolm.
8.1Ring Meetings for 1994 were discussed:
Thaxted, Letchworth and London were rejected. Agreed to defer discussion till more details available, with possibility of considering W/EΒ‘s of Dance invitations.
8.2Peter informed that next Buxton W/E would be 22nd July
8.3build on positive points of 1993 programme ie new spots consider locations for 2 spots (eg Ashford)
8.4John suggested possibility of Monday Folk Night at Cheshire Cheese, Buxton.
8.5Robin proposed that members could plan a tour/ Monday night and bring suggestions for side discussion. Ged volunteered to plan a tour.
9.1Ian suggested we needed to tidy up some aspects of our dancing eg missed clashes, dropped hankies, lines, etc). He proposed Stanton Harcourt as a new tradition for everyone.
9.2Other suggestions for dances were Jenny Lind, Lichfield (Randall); Ring 0' Bells (Trevor); Bledington (John); Broad Cupid and Upton Stick to he retained as show dances (Jim)
9.3Robin asked everyone to tell Ian their favourite dances from last season, suggestions for new dances, and dislikes.
9.4Ged thought we had tried to keep too many dances in our repertoire this season.
- Randall prepared to stay behind to play for jigs
- Robin proposed that aspiring musicians should learn a jig (set dance) tune for individual practice and then performance.
9.6In response to a question from Ged, Ian is happy with teaching Β‘beginnersΒ’, but would hope to be able to call on experienced dancers for help at any time.
9.7Will confirmed that the start time for practice was 7.45pm.
10.1John suggested that more people should have opportunity of dancing at strategic positions (1 & 2) in set. Robin said that by the end of the season he didn't expect anyone to say they could only dance ends or middles.
10.2Randall requested that we try and cut down the long breaks between dances. As well as being more organised about who was to be in the next dance, the Fool, Animal or Squire
could help Β‘fill the gapΒ‘.
10.3Robin proposed that we should all work towards a slicker performance. He would produce a list of our dances for everyone before next season.
11.1John suggested his stag badge with Β‘Peak District' was more appropriate for the side, especially enlarged on the programme. He would bring it to a practice night for comments.
11.2Sticks - Trevor has acquired a golf trolley for the sticks. He would replenish the supply of hammer handles, to be used in practice after Christmas.
11.3Waistcoat - Ragman to investigate alternatives. Robin would bring in Ilmington garment.
11.4It was decided that there was no 'requirement' for past members to hand in their kit when they moved away unless they wished.
11.5Robin proposed that we aim to maintain current kit by ensuring stocks are available now. To be discussed with Ragman.
12.1Ged to approach his contact for badges and car stickers. (Martlet Morris Men)
12.2Will suggested another publicity board might be useful. Ged to investigate.
12.3Peter suggested beer mat advertising from a 'friendly' brewery. To be discussed with Malcolm.
12.4Programmes - still worthwhile talking to sponsor, but aware that, if necessary, we can produce our own.
13.0 AOB
13.1Randall asked for claims for petrol expenses from Winchester Ring Meeting, Bagman's expenses, AGM Food expenses and AGM Beer expenses.
13.2CMM's 20th anniversary (1995) - Will proposed that we form a committee to work on ideas for a range of events. Initial membership Will, Robin and Randall.
13.3Robin thanked Randall and Will for Beer and Food for AGM.
AGM 1994
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Monday 12th September 1994 8.18pm start
Alex, Allan, Ged, Hywel, Ian, Jim, John, Julian, Malcolm, Nigel, Peter, Randall, Robin, Will
Arthur, Kevin, Steve, Tim
Accepted as a fair and accurate record of the meeting (Prop John Sec. Jim)
3.1SquireΒ‘s report would be brief to allow time for dancing next week!
3.2Dancing standard
Members need to look at the standard of their kit for next season.
Dancing improved over last year Β— keep it up.
3.3Dance Events
Buxton W/E Β— thanks to Malcolm and Allan, and Nigel for the beer
Kemps Kemp ~ sunny, and Heather enjoyed it
May Day ~ good weather
Lichfield Β— curry Β‘came up' to expectations
With Poynton Jemmers at Cheadle Β— He enjoyed ourselves
Dog & Partridge with Shuttlers Clog
Romper with Chorlton Green & one Black Bear Β— good, new landlord
New August dancing record
Tim, Graham, Paul, and re-welcome to Hywel
3.5Thanks to:
Will: for efforts and pile of paper
Randall: for work as treasurer (unnoticed) and musician
Tim, Julian and Hywel: for music at Β‘The FoxΒ‘
Everyone: for support and cooperation
3.6Looking forward to:
20th Anniversary, dancing in August, May Day, Lichfield Ale and Buxton W/E
4.1Members: 22 + Adam and Nicholas. Tony, Roger, Paul not performed. Regular squad of 19 men.
4.2Outings: 2(3) Tours; W/E Dance 2(3); Pub Eves. 14(13): Paid Bookings 4(6); Feasts 2(2); Free do's 3(4). () = last season's figures. We turned down 4 Feasts, 9 W/E & DoD, 15 paid bookings. John queried why we turned down some bookings. General feeling of disliking fetes. Ged commented that we hadn't had so many weekend bookings.
2 sandwich charges at Ashford and Tunstead Milton
Thanks to Robin and Rita for May Day hospitality
4.3Attendance: Monday nights 13.5 (13.8) Others 11.5 (12)
4.4Programmes: Only Monday nights on programme. Thanks to Ged and Arthur for printing
5.1Discussion on bookings was deferred to AOB
5.2Peter queried money from Buxton W/E. Malcolm to check 1993 and 1994 figures. Money was voted in 1993.
5.3After some discussion re travel to Ring Meetings it was agreed that this should be discussed before going to Ring Meetings.
Walk-ons still not good because people not ready. Hankies are still being dropped. The Β‘silentΒ’ stick clashes are improving. With a condensed repertoire most people now know most of the dances. The new dances look good and Β‘Room for
the Cuckold' has sneaked in.
6.2Thanks to Ged and Robin for assistance at practice, and other experienced dancers helping individuals.
7Jim proposed vote of thanks to all officers. (Sec: Nigel)
Squire: Robin (prop: Jim, sec: Randall)
Foreman: Ian (prop: Robin, sec: John)
Bagman: Peter (prop: Will, sec: Alex)
Treasurer: Randall (prop: Alex, sec: Jim)
Stickman: Nigel (prop: Alex, sec: John)
Ragman: Malcolm (prop: John, sec: Will)
Scrapman: Alex (prop: John, sec: Allan)
Fool: Ged (prop: Randall, sec: Robin)
9.1After some discussion it was decided that the anniversary should be celebrated by some event. Committee (Will, Robin, Randall, Julian) to meet and cost proposals and
report back.
10.1Kevin volunteered to serve on Buxton W/E Committee in place of Malcolm.
10.2Foreman's report:
John felt our side had a good variety of dances,
Nigel thanked everyone for all their help and encouragement.
Robin felt we could add c. 3 more dances to the repertoire.
Ian asked for any suggestions
10.3Randall thanked Β‘long sufferingΒ’ families, and Robin thanked Will & Randall for AGM food and drink
After some discussion on the side's finances and ways of raising money (eg subscriptions, car boot sales) it was agreed that a more positive attitude to accepting paid bookings and organising Β‘audienceΒ—full' venues was a priority.
Tours committee (Ged, Nigel and Bagman) was announced.
AGM 1995
Held at the Beehive, Combs on Monday 11th September 1995 at 8.15pm
1Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Welcome
Robin welcomed all present Β– Robin (Squire, Past Stickman), Peter (Bagman, Past Squire, Past Stickman), Randall (Treasurer), Ged (Fool, Past Foreman), Alex (Archivist), Nigel (Stickman), Will (Past Squire, Past Bagman, Past Stickman), Jim (Past Squire, Past Foreman, Past Stickman), John, Graham, Julian, Kevin
2Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Apologies
Allan (Animal), Arthur (Past Bagman), Malcolm (Ragman), Hywel, Steve
3Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Minutes of 1994 AGM
5.3 refers to Cost-of-transport not Means-of-transport
6.1 Ian has not heard any silent stick clashes
Acceptance prop. Jim, sec Randall
4Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Matters Arising
None, additional to items to be covered later
5Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  SquireΒ’s Report
RobinΒ’s report began by referring to a busy year, from Christmas in Whaley Bridge, and an early start with Lichfield and White Rose. A high spot at Eccles Pike, a cold and wet VE Day (thanks to Lyn for tea), a cold and wet Ring Meeting in East Suffolk but good fun and good to have Gerry dancing with us. A successful Buxton Weekend with old and new friends Β– Redbourne StokeΒ’s distinctive dancing and Cheshire Royal added to the show. The Ashton Canal Festival was an unexpected bonus with good atmosphere and good dancing. Other pluses were The Hanging Gate, August Bank Holiday, Glossop and Padfield. Regretfully the planned 20th Anniversary Weekend had to be abandoned.
Timekeeping should be improved and we should aim to publish a programme.
Wed had only missed one Monday in August, had incurred no sandwich charges, and benefited from a new dancing member (Graham)
A long and good dancing year. Thanks to all.
6Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  BagmanΒ’s Report
Peter said that in addition to the busy programme we had declined almost as many offers. He had tried to persuade members to take paid bookings to help boost finances and this had worked. Sometimes it is difficult to get men available Β– one booking required 19 phone calls. We missed the Buxton Queen when 9 men dropped out, and leaving me in a panic over the Glossop and Padfield bookings where firm members were borderline.
7Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  TreasurerΒ’s Report
Randall presented the accounts and drew attention to the increase in fees/collections.
A vote of thanks to Randall Β– prop Peter sec Alex
8Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  ForemanΒ’s Report
Ian drew attention to the good points from his viewpoint Β– the addition of Graham to the dancing squad, the greater variety of competent musicians, and better rounds. Still not so good were the walk-ons. We had nearly been described as Β“Formation DancersΒ” so there was clearly some impression of organisation.
9Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Election of Officers
Squire:Robin prop Peter, sec Jim (Robin accepted for a final year and wishes a Squire-elect to emerge within month)
Bagman:Peter still has a year of his sentence to serve and next yearΒ’s Bagman did not wish for a head start
Treasurer:Randall prop Will, sec Graham
Foreman:Ian prop Jim, sec John
Ragman:Malcolm prop Jim sec Graham
Stickman:Nigel prop Jim sec Will
Archivist:Alex prop Will sec John
Rank and file:no members were elected to rank and file
10Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Business for the Meeting
Buxton Weekend
Thanks to Gill for catering. Is there a formal end on Saturday evening? Yes but informal dancing can continue. New committee to be confirmed later - Kevin hopes to be able to continue, and Allan will be asked on return from holiday.
Winter Practice
Monday nights at the Playhouse 7.45 for prompt 8pm start till 9.45
Summer Programme
All Monday nights plus occasional midweek venues.
Ring meeting to be decided later
Robin and Ian to propose a planned repertoire.
BagmanΒ’s expenses agreed at Β£120.
Travel repayments for Ring meeting ~ agreed 5 oars @ Β£25.
Add Β£50 to Costume Reserve Fund.
Buxton Weekend - hope for Β£150 also to be added to Costume Reserve Fund.
Review in November for possible renewal decision at next AGM
Practise playing solo (even melodeons)
Peter had followed up Chris-from-Macclesfield, Gerry-from-Tideswell, and Geoff-from-Chinley. Would all members follow-up any other likely members.
Follow-up Yeomens store in Buxton. Article in local papers?
Need a programme for dancing season.
Graham to be publicity officer.
To be Dec 25th this year.
Christmas Dinner to be Fri 15th Dec at Navigation, Buxworth.
Probable cost Β£13 99 (approx)
Dancing in Whaley Bridge on Sat 16th. Lunch at RobinΒ’s or at SquireΒ’s.
Twenty-first Anniversary or Anonymous Weekend
Robin and Will to produce a plan.
Moans, Groans, Grumbles (not previously aired at sufficient length)
Walk off no better than walk-on.
Beware of small children encroaching on dancing set and avoid injury to them.
Try to teach Adam and Nicholas some dances or jigs to take an official part.
Meeting Closed 11.50
AGM 1996
Held at The Beehive, Combs on Monday September 30 1996 at 8pm
The meeting began at 8pm Morris Time.
Robin welcomed all present - Alex, Allan, Arthur, Ged, Geoff Graham, Ian, Jim, John,
Malcolm, Nigel, Peter, Will.
Chris, Hywel, Randall
Minutes of 1995 AGM
- acceptance prop Will sec Malcolm
Matters arising
- none
Squires Report
Robin referred back to another busy season beginning as usual with the Lich?eld Ale.
Eccles Pike had seen more spectators than dancers. Jim had contributed a geography lesson to the Ring at Richmondshire where Graham had fallen in love with Ged.
Kemps Kamp was a success as was the Buxton Weekend including a ?ying visit to The Lodge. He welcomed Geoff as a dancing member and was pleased that Nicholas and Adam had now danced with the side.
He thanked the Musicians and Dancers, Malcolm for the Manifold tour, and Graham for the onerous duty of visiting pubs.
There was a vote of thanks to Robin prop Will sec Arthur.
BagmanΒ’s report.
Peter reported on the Year's activity and was about to recommend the post of bagman to other members when there was a vote of thanks for brevity prop Will sec Jim
Treasurer's report.
In his absence, Randall's report was read to the meeting, showing the balance as comfortable, but that there was relatively high planned future expenditure on kit renewal.
There was discussion of the comparisons with previous year due to different designation of some collections and fees, while Chelmorton showed only the net income and not the total income and our outgoing donation.
Otherwise the accounts were correct and were accepted prop Arthur, sec Malcolm
ForemanΒ’s report
Ian summed up the dancing as NOT BAD. The best had been The Lodge. The walk-on had occasionally been very good. The weather had either been too hot or cold and wet. We had danced little Upton or Dearest Dickie, but had added three lamington dances.
Election of Of?cers
SquireAlexprop Willsec Jim
BagmanPeterprop Alexsec Arthur
TreasurerRandallprop Arthursec Graham
ForemanIanprop Jimsec Geoff
RagmanMalcolmprop Jimsec John
StickmanNigelprop Willsec Alex
ArchivistJimprop Willsec Alex
PublicityGrahamprop Jimsec Robin
FoolGedprop Arthursec Malcolm
AnimalAllanprop Robinsec Arthur
Buxton Weekend Committee:
Allan, Will, Nigel, prop Alex sec John
There was a vote of thanks to Robin for his service as Squire prop Peter sec Alex
Interval 9.15
Meeting resumed at 9.35 Alex in The Chair
Business discussed
Winter Practice - to be held in The Playhouse, Mondays, beginning with warming up at 7.45
Summer programme
Easter- Castleton, Hope Buxton
Pubs to include Queen Anne, Barrel, Mensal Head perhaps at expense of Fox, Royal Scot
Ring Meeting to be treated as an Invitation
Will and Robin to organise a Weekend of Dance
Finance Robin proposed a moratorium on expenditure pending knowing level of commitment for new kit - Graham to investigate and report
Musicians - a welcome increase in number of musicians playing for dancing
Membership - Robin expected Phil to join after (despite?) seeing us several times
Publicity - important to issue programme after open tour committee meeting in Jan
Christmas - would be Dec 25 Raglan despite being a Leap Year - dance in Whaley Bridge on Sat 14th - suggest Sat evening for meal
Moans, groans, grumbles - none minute
Meeting Closed 11pm
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 1997
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Held at The KingΒ’s Arms, Chapel on Monday September 8th 1997 at 8pm
The meeting began at 8pm Morris Time
Alex welcomed all present: Alex, Allan, Arthur, Ged, Ian, Jim, John, Julian, Nigel, Peter, Phil, Randall, Robin, Will
Minutes of 1996 AGM
Acceptance prop Nigel sec Robin
Matters arising
SquireΒ’s Report
Alex thanked all who had helped him in his first year as Squire. He welcomed Phil and Thomas. He referred back to another busy season with numbers ranging from 20 at Castleton to 10 at Glossop. He urged an improvement in smartness Β– f kit, of walking on, of walking off, of basic stepping and of practice.
BagmanΒ’s Report
Peter thanked all who listened to Notices and been present to hear notices.
TreasurerΒ’s Report
Randall gave his report showing the balance as comfortable, after less than anticipated expenditure on kit renewal.
Acceptance of the accounts prop Arthur sec Allan
ForemanΒ’s Report
Ian summed up the dancing as NOT AS GOOD AS 1996. Criticism of Walk-on and delays between dances. Sometimes difficulty of matching musicianΒ’s knowledge of tunes to available dancersΒ’ knowledge of dances.
Election of Officers
SquireAlex(mid-term therefore no election)
BagmanPeterprop Alexsec Arthur
TreasurerRandallprop Alexsec John
ForemanIanprop Jimsec Arthur
RagmanWillprop Jimsec Robin
StickmanNigelprop Alexsec John (all to assist)
ArchivistJimprop Johnsec Robin
PublicityWillprop Petersec Ian
FoolGedprop Arthursec Jim
AnimalAllanprop Jimsec Robin
Buxton Weekend Committee
Deferred to Β“Business Β– Summer ProgrammeΒ”
There was a vote of thanks to Allan for his service to Buxton weekend prop Will sec Peter
Interval 9.15 for routine notices, discussion of forthcoming Chapel Weekend and Holland trip.
Meeting resumed at 9.35
Business discussed
Winter Practice
Prompt start urged. Ring massed dances to be practised
Summer Programme
Taunton Deane weekend June 13 Β– 15
Kemps Kamp Β– Robin to report back
Buxton Weekend Β– discussion of shortcomings of 1997 accommodation. Decided to go ahead with 1998 10th Weekend.
Reps on committee Β– Will, Nigel, Phil prop Alex sec Robin
Funds available for travel expenses for Ludlow Ring Meeting (but not for larger car for stickman)
Junior members should have full-width baldrick rather than present narrow material
Have done a great job
Robin expected new members Β– may be useful to have beginners practice
Important to issue programme after open tour committee meeting in Jan
Suggest Friday 19th for meal Β– proposals by end September. Debate about Whaley.
Moans, groans, grumbles
None minuted
Meeting closed 11pm
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 1998
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Held at The KingΒ’s Arms, Chapel on Monday September 14th 1998 at 8pm
The meeting began at 8pm Morris Time
Robin read aa message from the Squire (Alex) to report his recovery from a heart attack and subsequent surgery and to welcome all present: Chris, Ged, Graham, Hywel, Jim, John, Julian, Nigel, Peter, Phil, Robin, Will
Adam, Allan, Alex, Arthur, Ian, Kevin, Nick, Randall, Sam, Tom
Minutes of 1997 AGM
Acceptance prop Will sec Nigel
Matters arising
SquireΒ’s Report
Alex sent a valedictory report, particularly welcoming Graham, Ian, Sam and Toby as dancers. We now have a strong side and he urged us to build on that strength. He thanked everybody for their support during his term as Squire, especially during his illness. The side sent him best wishes for recovery and carried a vote of thanks.
BagmanΒ’s Report
Peter thanked all who listened to Notices and all to listen to his successor
TreasurerΒ’s Report
Randall sent a brief report with details to follow
ForemanΒ’s Report
Ian sent a brief report summing up his work as Foreman during the practice season
Election of Officers
SquireJimprop Willsec John
BagmanPhilprop Willsec Jim
TreasurerRandallprop Robinsec Hywel
ForemanRobinprop Jimsec Phil
RagmanWillprop Hywelsec John
StickmanNigelprop Jimsec Phil
ArchivistWillprop Jimsec John
PublicityGrahamprop Jimsec Will
FoolGedprop Robinsec Graham
AnimalAllanprop Robinsec Hywel
Interval 8.50 for routine notices, Meeting resumed at 9.00
Business discussed
Proposal not carried
Winter practice
Playhouse, Mondays, 7.45 Β– help for beginners Β– Β“intermediatesΒ” to learn corner dances and slows Β– work on lines Β– jigs Β– give musicians notice of new tunes
Summer programme
Thanks to Ian for letters, posters and tickets for Buxton W/E
Try for a Ring Meeting in 1999
Discussion of Buxton weekend - Phil, Graham and Will to act as reps
Discussion of Chapel Weekend Β– Robin and Will to act as subcommittee
We should aim for early publication of programme
Tours to be organised by a committee rather than general meeting Β– Squire, Bagman, Foreman, Publicity prop Peter sec Graham
Travel expenses Β– deferred until detailed accounts available
Buy a new stick bag
Archivist requested funds Β– proposal awaited
Need new source of rosettes and badges
Encourage all Musicians to play for practice and performance
Advertise new practise season
Use free local newspapers and event guides
Robin to coordinate setting up a website
Suggest Friday 18th December for meal Β– check booking of Crown and Mitre. Debate about Whaley
Moans, groans, grumbles
None minuted
Meeting closed 10.57pm
Minutes of the AGM for Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 1999
Held September 20th, at 8pm 1999, at the Kings Arms
The meeting began at 8pm Morris time
Jim thanked those who were in attendance and then requested Alex to chair the AGM.
Adam, Arthur, Chris, Kevin, Nick. Sam, Tom.
Minutes of 1998 AGM
Accepted, prop Graham, sec Nigel.
Matters Arising
Squire's Report
Thanks to attendees, expressed the sides enjoyment of the Friday Feast, Thanks to
Robin for the Jigs training day. Jim wished for emphasis of a high standard of dancing, linked to the wish for those who are newer to the side to be introduced to the full range of dances performed by the side. Welcomed lan and Steven who danced into the side.
Bagman's report
Thanks to those who listened to the notices.
Treasurer's report
Hywel thanked Randall for his help over the year, and issued the accounts, prop Randall, sec Allan.
Foreman's report
Robin gave a short report and emphasised the need for polishing the performance of dances. He thanked Ged standing in for him on occasions. Hoped that the younger members of the side would grow in con?dence and strength. Thanked everyone for their tolerance.
Election of officers
Squiremid term
Bagmanmid term
ArchivistIan Clarke
PublicityGraham K
Buxton Weekend committee
deferred to later.
Chapel weekend committee
deferred to later
Squire elect
Julian prop Jim sec Alex
Winter Practice
Playhouse Chapel, Mondays, 7.45 to 9.30pm
Special sessions
Jigs and Boys
Tours committee
Phil, Ian, Graham prop Alex sec Jim
Proposal 1
Adoption of Derby Dances prop Graham sec Nigel
Proposal 1. not accepted
Amendment suggested learning dances only accepted by side
Proposal 2
To state to Buxton Weekend committee that we wish to change from a weekend of dance to a day of dance prop Alex, sec Graham Proposal 2 accepted
Proposal 3
25th Celebration committee to be formed with Julian, Graham and Phil
Prop Nigel sec Alex
Proposal accepted
Proposal made to assist costs incurred, boys places on
weekends to be subsidised by the side if required
Full set required for Bob and Steven. Concerns were raised over ribbons and rosettes
Ragman to investigate.
Advertise practice details
Excellent, vote of thanks to Graham for his work
Xmas Meal
Bagman to contact Crown and Mitre, date to be 17th December
Moans, Groans and Grumbles
none minuted
Meeting closed 10.59pm
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2000
Minutes of AGM, Held at the Kings Arms, Monday 18th September 2000
The meeting began 8pm Morris time.
Chris Mockler, Tom Jupp, Arthur McArdle
Philip, Will, Graham, lan, lan, Nigel, Randall, Ged, John, Alex, Jim, Peter, Julian, Allan, Hywel, Robin
Minutes of the 1999 AGM
accepted proposed Will sec Nigel.
Matters Arising
None minuted
Squire's report
Jim formally handed over to Julian. Julian thanked everyone for their attendance over the year. Mentioned thanks for those involved in the Chapel Weekend and the Buxton Weekend. Thanks were given to those who attended the weekends away at Conwy and Kemps Camp.
BagmanΒ’s report
Philip thanked those who listened to notices over the year, and thanked Graham and Ian Clarke for their support over the year.
Treasurer's report
Hywel offered a brief report and detailed balance sheet,
acceptance proposed Alex, sec Randall.
Foreman's report
Robin read a brief report summing up his work as foreman, he commented on work to be undertaken to polish up dancing.
Election of officers
SquireJulianprop Willsec Nigel
BagmanPhilipprop Gedsec Nigel
TreasurerHywelprop Randallsec Philip
ForemanRobinprop Johnsec Alex
RagmanWillprop Gedsec Alex
StickmanGrahamprop Nigelsec Philip
ArchivistIan Clarkeprop Jimsec Will
PublicityGrahamprop Philipsec Hywel
FoolGedprop Johnsec Alex
AnimalAllanprop Jimsec Randall
Interval 9.00 for routine notices, meeting resumed at 9.15 pm
Winter Practice
Playhouse, Mondays 7.45 - work on lines - possible jigs instructional, better notice of new tunes for musicians.
Summer Programme
thanks to Ian Clarke for the Printing undertaken, programmes, headed paper, etc.
Discussion of attendance of a ring meeting.
Proposal, instead of attending the Ring AGM, the side will send the Foreman or
Another, to a dance/music/fool instructional.
Chapel weekend although a success to be held over for one year.
We should aim for early publication of the programme.
Tours to be arranged by tours committee, Philip, Nigel, Graham. Prop John, sec
Buxton weekend to be changed to a day of dance, Derby warned they may pull out
from organising.
no requests minuted.
new source of rosettes and badges required.
Hywel proposed that only one musician play when out performing to prevent Band (Border) style music.
none comments minuted.
suggested Friday 15th December, dissatisfaction with the Crown & Mitre, suggestions for alternate venue to be given to vote upon
Moans, groans, grumbles
none minuted.
Meeting closed 10.57pm.
Minutes of 2001 AGM (missing)
AGM 2002
Minutes of 2002 AGM
1.Β Β Β Β Β  Apologies
received from Ian Christie, Randall, and Tom.
Alan, Ged, Jim, Alex, Phil, Nigel, Peter, Howell, Julian, Will, Arthur, Graham, Robin.
2.Β Β Β Β Β  Minutes of AGM 9th. Sept 200l agreed.
3.Β Β Β Β Β  Matters Arising
none. Action minutes were produced - Β£200 charity donation;
Robin requested photos for web-site; Buxton w/e committee to contact Derby;
Practice doors open 7.55 for 8pm; Julian to ?nd out about Scarborough W/e; Buxton
2003 is 19”‘ July; research replacement kit Β— bells, baldrics, rosettes; Badges; stones
for Squires badge.
4.Β Β Β Β Β  Squire's and BagmanΒ’s report
5.Β Β Β Β Β  The side attended weekends at Conwy (as late substitutes) and York (Ebor), but withdrew from Chorley 4 Fools. Days of dance attended Β— Easter Monday and May BH Monday, Buxton; Jemmers (Maccles?eld) and Milltown Cloggiest Glossop Victorian w/e. Paid event at Chapel Parish Council. Mayday morning at Eccles Pike and Monday nights. Exhibition at St. Thos. a Becket church. There were occasions when we were spread thinly - Thanks were due to Tom and Chris for helping out at critical times; and to Alex and Jim who deserve some rest.
6.Β Β Β Β Β  TreasurerΒ’s Report
Hywel circulated a balance sheet. Collections raised 1/3 less than last year.
7.Β Β Β Β Β  ForemanΒ’s report
Robin apologised for being unable to attend all practices, and thanked Ged for standing in when he was unavailable. In general the standard of dancing had been satisfactory; it was particularly good at York where we were complimented by other sides.
8.Β Β Β Β Β  Buxton Weekend committee
Graham reported that Tony Lloyd had proposed splitting the remaining Buxton W/e funds 50/50 between Derby and us. This met unanimous approval and Graham was asked to write and con?rm.
9.Β Β Β Β Β  Election of Officers
New Squire - Julian stood down; Robin proposed Ged, seconded Arthur, unanimous.
Foreman - Robin stood down but proposed Will. Alter a long discussion during
which Robin and Ged committed themselves to providing assistance as and when
required, Will agreed and was elected. Prop. Robin sec. Ged.
After the tense nail-biting drama of the previous item a beer and butty break was declared
before elections resumed.
Ragman - Graham volunteered and was elected unanimously.
Archivist - Will? volunteered and was summarily elected. Ian Clark still has archive.
Other posts remained unchanged -
Publicity, stickman and Buxton w/e committee - Graham.
Fool - Ged.
Animal - Allan, proposed Stanley; deputy unelected animal Β— Peter Johnston.
As the previous Chapel Weekend Committee decided not to have a Chapel weekend
there was no committee elected.
10.Β  Winter Practice
7 .55 for 8 Β— please try to be on time.
11.Β  Summer Programme
There was some discussion over ring meetings however they were not viable as only seven men are interested. Julian to ?nd out about Scarborough. Osnabruck was mentioned.
12.Β  Chapel Weekend.
It was felt there was not enough time let to prepare for a Chapel
13.Β  Buxton Day.
Buxton to be a day only but we would facilitate camping. Phil volunteered to spearhead the Buxton Weekend committee with Graham and Julian
14.Β  Finances
Proposal to round up the charitable donation from Buxton D-o-D to Β£200 split between St. AnneΒ’s and High Peak Hospices was accepted (prop. Robin seconded Will),
15.Β  Kit nΒ’ Sticks
Graham to source replacement sticks, bells, Baldricks and rosettes.
Julian to enquire about badges.
16.Β  Musicians
Phil played solo at York. Randall to play for as long as he is able. Peter
complimented the melodeonists Β— the side danced well because the music was good.
17.Β  Publicity
Graham circulated the programme to the High Peak reporter and it was available on the Web.
18.Β  Christmas Dinner
at the Lamb l4'Β” Dec.
Dancing at Marple Bridge Winter Wonderland on 7"Β‘ December. We decided not to dance for Whaley traders on 30th November (no crowd, no collection).
The AGM ?nished at l0.54pm.
CMM AGM 2003 (minutes missing)
AGM 2003
Annual General Meeting of Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
To be held at King's Arms, Chapel-en-le-Frith, September 15th 2003 8pm.
Agenda: -
1Apologies Β— (none received yet, not even Arthur).
2Minutes of AGM 9th Sept 2002.
3 Matters Arising.
4Squire's Report.
5Bagman's Report.
6Treasurer's Report.
7Foreman's report.
8Reports of Sub-committees u -on Weekend).
9Election of Officers.
10Winter Practice.
11Summer Programme.
12Chapel Weekend.
13Buxton Day/Weekend.
15Kit n' Sticks.
18Christmas Dinner and dance-out.
19Any other business.
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2004
Minutes of AGM on Monday 20th September 2004 (8.14pm Β– 10.15)
1.Β Β Β Β Β  Apologies
Jim; Randal; Alex.
Jim sent a message from Scarborough General thanking the two Jim Men (Peter and Will) for transport and thanking everybody for the cards and messages he had received.
Present - Nigel; Arthur, Alan; Peter; Will; Julian; Graham; Ged; Phil; Robin; Hywel
2.Β Β Β Β Β  Minutes of AGM 15th Sept 2003
Will was archivist. Ged considered the minutes exaggerated his records of our roses. Accepted as true record. Proposed Graham Seconded Will.
3.Β Β Β Β Β  Matters arising - none.
4.Β Β Β Β Β  Squire's report.
Ged commented that it had been a difficult year for him. He thanked the side for its support and the officers for their dedication. In particular he thanked Graham and Phil for organising the Buxton Day of Dance.
5.Β Β Β Β Β  Bagman's report.
The side had been unable to fulfil certain obligations and invitations due to numbers being poor - for example two Saturdays in May; Glossop Victorian Day; and an education day for Buxton Opera House. The last night of the proms celebration at Rowarth was cancelled because of inclement weather. We hadn't achieved a weekend away. Four guest sides had danced with us on Monday nights during the year - Milltown cloggies; Shuttlers' Clog; Powder Kegs; Brisingamen. Representatives attended Feasts at Stafford and Lichfield.
6.Β Β Β Β Β  Treasurer's report
Hywel tabled (tabulated?) the accounts. He reminded the side that we had proposed a donation to the school at Buxton for use of their car parking. The sum of Β£50 was suggested. Proposed Nigel; seconded Will.
7.Β Β Β Β Β  Foreman's report
Robin had a challenging year. He gave his apologies for missing practices and thanked those who stood in. We had gained three dances (2 Ducklington; 1 Ilmington) and resurrected another (Laudanum Bunches). He was pleased with Green Garters; it had been a good practice year and he thanked the side for its support.
8.Β Β Β Β Β  Buxton Weekend sub-committee.
Phil said we had received appreciative letters from the sides who had participated and was happy to spearhead the main thrust for next year.
9.Β Β Β Β Β  Elections.
Squire - Ged has served for two years and the post is up for election. He'd had an
awkward year and would put his name forward for a further term if required. Graham
considered that Ged should "resit" the year. Ged was happy to do this - Proposed
Graham, Seconded Arthur.
Bagman -Julian retired; Phil volunteered Proposed Graham seconded Alan.
Treasurer - Hywel willing to continue - proposed Graham Seconded Julian.
Foreman - Robin is willing to continue on the same basis as last year i.e. not
available every Monday. proposed Graham seconded Arthur.
Fool "anyone happy to be Squire three years running has to be a fool" - Ged,
Proposed Graham Seconded Hywel.
Archivist - Will is happy to continue
Publicity - Graham is happy to typeset but wants to be part of a team. Graham will
head up sub-committee of Ged Graham and Phil with Nigel helping. Recruitment
needs local posters. Julian was going to get the board repainted (oops - Bill Skeer
has already offered to do it for 2006).
Animal - Alan willing to stand. Proposed Graham Seconded Alan (?).
All others (stick man; kit man) remain as previous (i.e. Graham).
10.Β  Winter Practice
Same format as previous; 7.55 for 8pm start. Consideration to be given to an alternative venue as the current one costs Β£15 per night.
11.Β  Summer Programme.
Suggestion that we hold a beginners night in future. Discussion about guest sides and if we should split the bag with them. Booking for Marple Winter Wonderland 4th Dec 2004. (NB we have a booking for this for 2005).
12.Β  Chapel weekend
Discussion felt we should concentrate on Buxton Day.
13.Β  Buxton Day.
Note next year is our 30th year and the 16th Buxton weekend and we should consider doing something special. Buxton is nominally 23rd July 2005.
14.Β  Finances
Donations to be made to Buxton Infants Β£50 for use of car park (see item 6 above); Β£100 to Daniel's Light Proposed Graham Seconded Nigel.
15.Β  Kit n' Sticks.
Rosettes - Graham would look at replacement rosettes. Bells Β– the side would get a bag for replacements -self examination required everybody check their own.
16.Β  Music.
Chris Angnish had talked of coming along in this capacity - Julian to remind him. Randal has to give up after many years' service.
17.Β  Publicity
High Peak Radio had given us good publicity; Robin will provide Graham with an address for the High Peak Advertiser.
18.Β  Christmas Dinner and dance-out.
Dance out 4th December at Marple Winter Wonderland . Dinner on 11th December venue to be selected.
19.Β  AOB
We have information for the Packington Feast.
Introductory Day and venue.
30th Anniversary how to commemorate - special event; memento; day out; meal. Will
to spearhead. Prop. Graham; Sec. Ged.
AGM closed at 10.15
AGM 2005
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
Location -The Navigation - Buxworth
Time commenced 20.06 Meeting closed 21.59
Will Newman, Ged Morton, Philip Jupp, Julian Barber, Jim Hurst, Peter Helps, Graham
Kennett, Nigel Lloyd, Allen Barnes, Robin Edwards, Arthur McArdle, Hywel Thomas
Peter Webb, Alex Needham, Chris Mockler
1Acceptance of minutes
1.1 PropΒ—GK Sec- WN
2Matters arising
2.1None minuted
3Squires report
3.1Ged, made several comments on the dancing and the places visited during the year and thanked the side for their efforts
4BagmanΒ’s report
4.1Phil thanked the side for their attention at notices and all assistance received
5Treasurers report
5.1Hywel produced a full report for the meeting
5.2Report acceptance - Prop - GK Sec - PH
6Foreman's report
6.1Robin gave a full report on the dancing undertaken, and thanked the side for their attentiveness
7Election of officers
SquireMid-termGed Morten
BagmanMid-termPhil Jupp
TreasurerCurrent incumbent
ForemanCurrent incumbent
FoolCurrent incumbent
ArchivistCurrent incumbent
StickmanCurrent incumbent
RagmanCurrent incumbent
Board KeeperAd-Hoc
8Meeting Break Β— 9.00pm
9Buxton Weekend
9.1Philip, Graham reported positive responses to the weekend by all attending sides
9.2Buxton Weekend to continue at just one day
9.3PJ, GK to be officials with additional assistance from side members upon request
10Winter practice
10.1Agreed times - start 7.55 - 8.00pm until ?nish 9.30 pm Players Theatre
11.0Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Summer programme
11.1To be subject to agreement and separate meeting
12Chapel Weekend
12.1Decision taken not to hold this year but subject to annual review
13.1Donations agreed Blythe House - Β£75.00 St AnneΒ’s - Β£75.00
14Kits and Sticks
14.1PJ to resource new Baldric badges
14.2GK to source and purchase 10 new sticks
15.1Expressions of thanks to all musicians were received
15.2Foreman suggested the musicians take some of the lead during the practices
16.1Further publicity routes to be explored Β— Pl, GM, GK
17Xmas Dinner
17.1Agreed to held on Saturday 17"Β‘ December Β— Shady Oak suggested
18.1None minuted
AGM 2006
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
Location - The Navigation - Buxworth
Time commenced 20.11 Meeting closed 21.59
Will Newman, Ged Morten, Phillip Jupp, Julian Barber. Jim Hirst, Peter Helps, Graham Kennett, Nigel Lloyd, Allan Barnes, Robin Edwards, Hywel Thomas, Peter Webb, Alex Needham
Arthur McArdle, Chris Mockler
1Acceptance of minutes
1.1Prop-GK SecΒ—WN
2Matters arising
2.1Short discussion on ?eeces - unresolved
2.2Short discussion on selling badges
3Squires report
3.1Attached separately
4BagmanΒ’s report
4.1Verbal report-
4.1.1Thanks for listening to notices
4.1.2Decision to step down as bagman
4.1.3Commitment required early for weekends away
4.1.4Thanks to those visiting the pubs and passing on literature
5Treasurers report
5.1Attached separately
5.2Report acceptance - Prop - GK Sec Β— PH
6ForemanΒ’s report
6.1Robin gave a full report en the dancing undertaken, and thanked the side for their
6.2Further decisions to be made by senior officers on new dances/traditions to be studied
7Election of officers
TreasurerCurrent incumbentGKREHT
ForemanCurrent incumbent*REPJGM
FoolCurrent incumbentJHWNGM
ArchivistCurrent incumbentJHREWN
StickmanCurrent incumbentWNHTGK
RagmanCurrent incumbentPJGMGK
Board Keeper/transporterAd-HocPWGMPJ
8Buxton Weekend Committee (GK Β– PJ)
8.1Philip, Graham reported positive responses to the weekend by all attending sides
8.2Buxton Weekend to continue at just one day
9Winter practice
9.1Agreed times - start 7.55 - 8.00pm until finish 9.30 pm - Players Theatre
10Summer programme
10.1To be subject to agreement and separate meeting
10.2New venues to be suggested
11Chapel Weekend
11.1Decision taken not to hold this year but subject to annual review
12Meeting Break Β—- 9.00pm - 9.15
13.1Donations agreed
13.1.1 Blythe House - Β£100.00
13.1.2 Cancer Care - Β£100.00
13.1.3 Clive (Chapel resident) - Β£100.00
14Kits and Sticks
14.1New leather for bell-pads discussed Β– will continue to be ad-hoc
14.2Source of hats for the side was discussed Β– unresolved
15.1Expressions of thanks to all musicians were received
15.2Foreman suggested the musicians take some of the lead during the practices on
deciding dances
15.3Practice tape of a compilation of tunes to be considered
16.1Further publicity routes to be explored Β– PJ, GM, GK
16.2Consideration of publicity for donation
16.3Advertise on High Peak Radio for beginnerΒ’s night
17Xmas Dinner
17.1Agreed to be held an Saturday 16th December Β– request for venues and menus to aid decisions
17.2Agreed to include Marge and Ray
18.1Decision on Β‘Bonny GreenΒ’ to include members of public
18.2Decision to review GedΒ’s VHS Tapes to create a side DVD
18.3Decision to attend a Ring weekend as a side and the cost to be subsidised from side
18.4No further AOB minuted
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2007
AGM Minutes 2007
Location Β– The Royal Hotel, Hayfield
Meeting Start time: 20:08 Meeting Closed: 22:57
Attendees: Robin Edwards, Jim Hirst, Phil Jupp, Peter Helps, Nigel Lloyd, Ged Morten, Will Newman, Allan Barnes, Peter Webb, Hywel Thomas, Julian Barber, Geoff Colston.
Apologies received: Arthur McArdle, Graham Kennett, Chris Mockler
Acceptance of Minutes: Proposed Will Newman Seconded Hywel Thomas
Matters Arising: None
SquireΒ’s Report: This has been a tough year for the side. Dancing had been good but we suffered from lack of numbers.
Events during the year included: Marple Winter Wonderland, Lichfield (small contingent went), Easter (Bulls Head and Buxton), May Day on Eccles Pike, followed by LynΒ’s (& PeterΒ’s) for Breakfast and Chapel later in day. Edale Country Fayre. We turned down 10 bookings.
Danced out 16 Mondays during the summer
Danced with White Rose on Stalybridge Station
Went to Chorlton Greens DoD and Tonbridge Ring Meeting
Ran Buxton DoD. Thanks to Phil Jupp and Graham Kennett for organising
Performed at Radio Derby Day at Kedleston Hall
Robin thanked Ged for his hard work as Foreman
Robin commented on the sad loss of Randall
We received photos from Castleton (including video clips), Mike Barratt and someone Robin could not remember.
BagmanΒ’s Report: Robin on behalf of Arthur McArdle (merged with squireΒ’s report.)
TreasurerΒ’s report: Hywel Thomas went through Β‘the numbersΒ’
Treasurers report was accepted Proposed: Phil Jupp, Seconded Nigel Lloyd
ForemanΒ’s Report: Ged presented the foremanΒ’s report covering:
The fact that due to the size of the side now lack of numbers at practice leaves teaching a problem
During the winter Badby was added again and Upton was tried
Wheatley added as a new tradition. Although the dance practiced was corner dance there is no rest (as hoped for from corner dances).
We had failed to get a side up for Oddington on occasion
He does not like going through the motions of dance
All agreed the foremanΒ’s job is a hard job needs motivation. Positive support was given to Ged and his efforts.
Election of officers:
SquireRobin EdwardsMid-termMid-term
BagmanArthur McArdleMid-termMid-term
TreasurerHywel ThomasAllan BarnesGed Morten
ForemanGed MortenJim HirstGeoff Colston
FoolGed MortenPeter WebbHywel Thomas
ArchivistWill NewmanHywel ThomasJim Hirst
StickmanGraham KennettGed MortenJulian Barber
RagmanGraham KennettWill NewmanHywel Thomas
AnimalGeoff ColstonGed MortenJim Hirst
Board KeeperPeter WebbPhil JuppGed Morten
Buxton Day of Dance / Chapel weekend.
It was agreed to treat these as one item (See also proposals received). The group discussed this, primarily around timing and it was agreed that it should be kept as part of Buxton Festival.
Winter Practice
Agreed Peter Helps would be assistant foreman to cover for Ged when he is not available, and to help focus on specifics (e.g. beginners!)
Discussion around revitalising some old dances, adding some new and practicing some dances that are common at feasts.
Summer Programme
Peter to sort out when to discuss
Proposal to donate Β£200 from club funds to local charities, split 50:50 between two. Blyth House proposed by Allan Barnes, seconded by Phil Jupp. Second charity to be agreed at a later date.
Kit and Sticks
Graham Kennett has oiled the sticks.
Will to make a collection of music for the side.
Ged Morten proposed calling cards from Amazon. Ged Morten to handle.
Agreed it would be good idea to promote side by getting photo in press presenting cheque to Blyth House.
Christmas Dinner
Date agreed 15th December. Venue to be either Waltzing Weasel (Pete Webb to investigate) or Packhorse, Mellor Rd (Ged Morten to investigate). It was agreed to invite Ray and Marg and Pete to sort out tracking them down.
Nigel Lloyd made few comments about his health situation
Proposals Received:
1: Phil Jupp: Buxton Day of Dance and Chapel Weekend is merged into one event. Proposed as we are now running Buxton DoD solely and Chapel weekend has been on hold for a number of years. Seconded by Allan Barnes Β… passed.
2: Robin Edwards. The offices of Stickman and Ragman are combined. Rejected.
No other proposals received in advance of meeting, no others proposed during meeting.
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2008
Location Β– The Royal Hotel, Hayfield
Meeting Start time: 20:05 Meeting Closed: 22:32
Attendees: Robin Edwards, Phil Jupp, Peter Helps, Jim Hirst, Nigel Lloyd, Ged Morten, Will Newman, Allan Barnes, Hywel Thomas, Julian Barber, Graham Kennett, Geoff Colston, Ian.
Apologies received: Arthur McArdle, Peter Webb, Chris Mockler
Acceptance of Minutes: Proposed Ged Morten Seconded Hywel Thomas
Matters Arising: Two items:
1. Second donation to charity was never agreed on.
2. Publicity, Ged to pick up on previous item.
SquireΒ’s Report: Robin delivered the SquireΒ’s report. (Supplied separately)
BagmanΒ’s Report: Robin on behalf of Arthur McArdle (merged with squireΒ’s report.)
TreasurerΒ’s report: Hywel Thomas went through Β‘the numbersΒ’
Proposed donation to St AnneΒ’s. Proposer Graham Kennett, Seconded Phil Jupp
Treasurers report was accepted Proposed: Allan Barnes, Seconded Graham Kennett
ForemanΒ’s Report: Ged presented the foremanΒ’s report.
Election of officers:
SquirePeter HelpsJim HirstGraham Kennett
BagmanArthur McArdleGraham KennettWill Newman
TreasurerHywel ThomasGraham KennettAllan Barnes
ForemanGed MortenAllan BarnesHywel Thomas
FoolGed MortenJim HirstGeoff Colston
ArchivistWill NewmanGraham KennettHywel Thomas
StickmanGraham KennettWill NewmanHywel Thomas
RagmanGraham KennettJulian BarberGed Morten
AnimalGeoff ColstonAllan BarnesJim Hirst
Board KeeperPeter WebbGraham KennettWill Newman
Meeting temporarily closed at this point for short interlude (watering and food), re-opening with new Squire in chair.
Buxton Day of Dance / Chapel weekend.
Peter asked for views from Graham and Phil regarding Buxton. They expressed it was time for a change of blood as weekend had run with same team for 10 years and resigned. Peter went on to thank them for all the work in the past. He (Peter) delayed further discussion until the tours evening in October and highlighted he would be looking for ideas from people and new volunteers to lead running of weekend then.
Winter Practice
Discussion regarding number of dances performed (especially in light of RichardΒ’s youtube comments).
Summer Programme
Graham to research Buxton festival dates
All to think about new locations
General agreement that it is nice to have guests, but should be invited Β‘centrallyΒ’ rather than ad-hoc.
Finances (Donations)
It was agreed that Β£75 should be donated to St AnneΒ’s Church (thank you for Buxton weekends) Prop Treasurer, Sec Graham Kennett
Β£100 to be donated to McMillan
Β£100 to be donated to David Lewis Centre (ArthurΒ’s request in lieu of BagmanΒ’s expenses. Note Arthur wished this but did not want it recognised as precedence for future bagmen).
Allan Barnes suggested we should try to get some publicity for these donations, all agreed good idea.
Ian suggested photo sent to press. Julian suggested presenting McMillan cheque at their coffee morning.
Kit and Sticks
Graham Kennett has ordered eight new sticks to add to stock.
Kit, Bells status unknown. Baldricks three years old but ok. Bell pads tatty.
Proposal for each man to look after own stick to save stickman effort. Proposed Allan Barnes Sec Jim Hirst, taken to vote and passed (7 for, 4 against).
Discussion about recording of music. Ian offered to make decent recording bringing equipment on a Monday, to be agreed.
Ian to print posters advertising beginners practice.
Agreed to get new web address
Christmas Dinner
Date agreed 13th December. Venue to be Packhorse, Mellor Rd subject to satisfactory menu.(Julian to investigate).
Jim expressed his thanks to all who had given him lifts during the summer.
Allan suggested it was time for a new animal (lighter etc), followed by short discussion whether to renovate or replace.
Will Commented on Think Tank proposal for new Bank Holiday Β– one of things proposed to do is Morris Dancing. Ian pointed out that traditional dance is government supported in many countries but not the UK.
Proposals Received:
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2009
Location Β– The Royal Hotel, Hayfield
Meeting Start time: 20:09 Meeting Closed: 22:25
Attendees: Peter Helps, Jim Hirst, Nigel Lloyd, Ged Morten, Will Newman, Arthur McArdle,
Apologies received: Chris Mockler, Robin Edwards, Phil Jupp, Allan Barnes, Hywel Thomas, Julian Barber, Graham Kennett, Geoff Colston, Pete Webb, Andrew Scott.
Acceptance of Minutes: Proposed Will, Seconded Arthur
Matters Arising: Ian had made the music recordings so that on a practice night where no musician was available we could dance to recorded music. The recorded music has yet to be made available by Ian.
SquireΒ’s Report: Peter delivered the SquireΒ’s report. (Supplied separately)
BagmanΒ’s Report: Arthur delivered the BagmanΒ’s report. (Supplied separately)
TreasurerΒ’s report: Supplied separately. Peter read out some notes made by Hywel. Notably, collections rose considerably (Β£520.04 vs. Β£368.01 last year). Β£300 spent on new bells. Enough money in account to make 2 x Β£100 donations.
ForemanΒ’s Report: Ged presented the foremanΒ’s report noting that we had learned several Wheatley dances (but not danced on to the processional!) and had revived several dances.
StickmanΒ’s Report: Graham suggested we return to the old system where the sticks were held by one man in the stick cart. Sticks would be handed out at the beginning of the day and collected in at the end. Five new sticks were needed. Graham is purchasing new baldrick material and new handkerchiefs. He hopes to complete these purchases by Christmas. These proposals were all adopted. It was also suggested that we keep a Β‘spareΒ’ kit for emergency use.
Election of officers:
SquirePeter HelpsJimArthur
BagmanArthur McArdleWillNigel
TreasurerHywel ThomasArthurGed
ForemanGed MortenPeter HJim
FoolGed MortenJimArthur
ArchivistWill NewmanArthurJim
StickmanGraham KennettArthurPeter H
RagmanGraham KennettWillNigel
AnimalGeoff ColstonGedJim
Board KeeperPeter WebbGedJim
Ged suggested we should have a publicity officer and proposed Graham. This was agreed subject to GrahamΒ’s agreement.
Buxton Day of Dance
Will and Hywel took over the organisation of this event with much appreciated support and input from Graham and Phil. It was agreed by everyone present that the format had been very successful. The Buckingham Hotel is a much better focal point than the school. Will and Hywel are willing to organise this event in 2010. The date is Saturday 24 July 2010.
Winter Practice
Starts Monday 14 September. 7.55pm for 8.00pm. Peter and Ged to confer on practice programme.
Summer Programme
Tours committee to be formed. Some dates already established: Easter Monday is 5 April, May 1 is a Saturday and the Buxton Day of Dance is Saturday 24 July.
Finances (Donations)
Β£100 to be donated to DanielΒ’s Life a Whaley Bridge charity in aid of leukaemia research.
Β£100 to be donated to the High Peak Mobile Physiotherapy Unit.
Kit and Sticks
See under StickmanΒ’s Report.
See Matters Arising.
BeginnersΒ’ night was deferred for future discussion. We should compile a list of local free newspapers. Robin is requested to investigate programme printing for 2010.
Christmas Dinner
Date agreed 12th December. Venue to be Packhorse, Mellor Road, New Mills subject to satisfactory agreement with absent members.
Proposals Received:
None received.
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2010
Location Β– The Royal Hotel, Hayfield
Meeting Start time: 20:10 Meeting Closed: 22:32
Attendees: Peter Helps, Jim Hirst, Ged Morten, Will Newman, Arthur McArdle, Chris Mockler, Robin Edwards, Allan Barnes, Hywel Thomas, Julian Barber, Graham Kennett, Pete Webb, John Griffiths.
Apologies received: Geoff Colston, Andrew Scott, Nigel Lloyd,
Acceptance of Minutes: Proposed Hywel, Seconded Will
Matters Arising: None
SquireΒ’s Report: Peter delivered the SquireΒ’s report, thanking the Officers for their work during the past year, and everyone in the Side for their participation in the displays we had given.
BagmanΒ’s Report: Arthur delivered the BagmanΒ’s report. (Supplied separately).
TreasurerΒ’s report: Hywel delivered the BagmanΒ’s report. (Supplied separately). It was agreed
1) that we should continue with our Buxton Fringe registration (Β£45.00) and
2) that we would not pay a travel subsidy to those men who went to the Ring Meeting at St. Austell.
ForemanΒ’s Report: Ged presented the ForemanΒ’s report. (Supplied separately)
Election of officers: All the current Officers were happy to carry on for another year and as no-one else expressed a desire to become an Officer, the Officers remain as follows:
SquirePeter Helps
BagmanArthur McArdle
TreasurerHywel Thomas
ForemanGed Morten
FoolGed Morten
ArchivistWill Newman
StickmanGraham Kennett
RagmanGraham Kennett
AnimalGeoff Colston
Board KeeperPeter Webb
Buxton Day of Dance
Will said that the format he had settled on was very successful and enjoyable. This was endorsed by all those present. It was agreed that we would have a Day of Dance again in 2011 with the suggested date of Saturday 23 July. Will is willing to organise this event in 2011 with help from Graham and any others who would like to be involved.
Winter Practice
Starts Monday 20 September. 7.55pm for 8.00pm. If anyone has suggestions for dances or traditions they would like to do, or dances they did not like to do, Ged suggested they speak to him. Will mentioned that Derby Morris Men had asked us if we would be willing to learn and to continue dancing some of their dances.
Summer Programme
We will have our usual evening in late January to finalise our programme of Monday evenings but in the meantime several points were noted for consideration at that meeting:
Some dates are already established: Easter Monday is 25 April, May 1 is a Sunday.
and the Buxton Day of Dance is (probably) Saturday 23 July.
Other points noted were: drop Chelmorton (surface and remoteness from audience). Conwy Weekend unlikely to take place in 2011. General agreement that we would not attend a Ring Meeting in 2011; however, Will has received an invite for us to attend the Lobster Potties (Sheringham) weekend, 1-3 July 2011. Circulate August Monday venues in case we have to cancel.
Finances (Donations)
Β£100 to be donated to the local MacMillanΒ’s Nurses. Graham offered to investigate a local contact.
Kit and Sticks
Graham reported: new hankies were issued this year. New baldrick material is to be issued. There is a limited supply of rosettes for those who need one. More webbing for bells is to be purchased.
Peter thanked all the musicians for their work throughout the past year.
When finalised, the programme would be sent to following outlets: High Peak Courier, Peak Advertiser and Peak Radio.
Christmas Dinner
Date agreed 11th December. Venue to be Packhorse, Mellor Road, New Mills.
[Note: subsequent to this meeting, the date for the dinner was changed to Saturday 18 December because The Pack Horse was already booked up on our original choice of date].
We should try and organise a jigs practice afternoon for those men who would like to learn to dance jigs.
Proposals Received
None received.
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2011
Location Β– The Royal Hotel, Hayfield
Meeting Start time: 20:10 Meeting Closed: 21:52
Attendees: Peter Helps, Jim Hirst, Ged Morten, Chris Mockler, Allan Barnes, Hywel Thomas, Graham Kennett, Pete Webb, John Griffiths, Andrew Scott, Nigel Lloyd, Dave Brock.
Apologies received: Geoff Colston, Will Newman, Arthur McArdle, Robin Edwards, Julian Barber,
Peter welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially Dave on his first AGM.
Acceptance of Minutes: The meeting agreed that the minutes looked ok.
Matters Arising: None
SquireΒ’s Report: Peter delivered the SquireΒ’s report, thanking the Officers for their work during the past year, and everyone in the Side for their participation in the displays we had given.
BagmanΒ’s Report: ArthurΒ’s report was supplied separately, indicating the attendances we had made and those we had declined.
TreasurerΒ’s report: Hywel delivered the TreasurerΒ’s report. (Supplied separately).
It showed improved collections leading to an increased closing balance, with more than sufficient funds to meet the winter expenditure.
It was agreed
1) that we should continue with our Buxton Fringe registration (Β£45.00)
ForemanΒ’s Report: Ged presented the ForemanΒ’s report. (Supplied separately)
Election of officers: All the current Officers were happy to carry on for another year and as no-one else expressed a desire to become an Officer, the Officers remain as follows:
SquirePeter Helps
BagmanArthur McArdle
TreasurerHywel Thomas
ForemanGed Morten
FoolGed Morten
ArchivistWill Newman
StickmanGraham Kennett
RagmanGraham Kennett
AnimalGeoff Colston
Board KeeperPeter Webb
Buxton Day of Dance
Peter said that the format was very successful and enjoyable. This was endorsed by all those present. It was agreed that we would have a Day of Dance again in 2012 with the suggested date of Saturday 21 July.
Winter Practice
Starts Monday 26 September. 7.55pm for 8.00pm.
Peter reported that while we have 32 dances in our current repertoire, with the men available on performances there are often many which cannot be performed Β– Ducklington, Oddington and Wheatley Β– we should aim to fill in the gaps Β– knees, ankles, backs, lungs etc permitting! Also the musicians should use practice to extend their own ranges.
Summer Programme
We will have our usual evening to finalise our programme of Monday evenings but in the meantime several points were noted for consideration at that meeting:
Some dates are already established: Easter Monday is 9 April, May 1 is a Tuesday.
and the Buxton Day of Dance is (probably) Saturday 21 July.
No immediate enthusiasm for any Ring meetings, but try to keep free the first weekend of June and September for invitations. Problem of parking and cost of coaches make all day tours difficult to organise.
Finances (Donations)
Graham reminded the meeting of the proposal to provide new equipment on local Cycle trails for people with special needs such as our loyal supporter, Nicholas. The meeting agreed Β£200 for this.
Kit and Sticks
Graham has new baldrick material , and issued it to those present.. There is a limited supply of rosettes for those who need one. More webbing for bells is to be purchased.
Peter thanked all the musicians for their work throughout the past year.
When finalised, the programme would be sent to following outlets: High Peak Courier, Peak Advertiser and Peak Radio.
Christmas Dinner
Date agreed 10th December. Suggested venue to be Old Hall, Hope. Ged to get menu, and circulate it..
Peter asked all men in turn for other business.
Nigel thanked people for their condolences on the death of his brother, Paul.
Ged reported that Geoff is unwell, but wishes to retain the Animal as long as possible.
Peter thanked everyone for their attendance and participation, and closed the meeting at 21:52
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2012
AGM Minutes 2012, Monday 17 September
Location Β– The Royal Hotel, Hayfield
Meeting Start time: 20:10 Meeting Closed: 22:32
Attendees: Peter Helps, Jim Hirst, Ged Morten, Chris Mockler, Allan Barnes, Hywel Thomas, Graham Kennett, Pete Webb, John Griffiths, Andrew Scott, Nigel Lloyd, Dave Brock, Julian Barber, Arthur McArdle, Will Newman, Phil Jupp..
Apologies received: Robin Edwards and Roger Bryant
Acceptance of Minutes: The meeting agreed that the minutes looked ok.
Matters Arising: None
SquireΒ’s Report: To be circulated when ready
BagmanΒ’s Report: ArthurΒ’s report was supplied separately. See attachment.
TreasurerΒ’s report: Hywel delivered the TreasurerΒ’s report. See attachment.
It was agreed that we should continue with our Buxton Fringe registration (Β£45.00)
ForemanΒ’s Report: Ged presented the ForemanΒ’s report. See attachment
ArchivistΒ’s Report: Will reported on the work he has doing to develop the archives, and in linking various facets of the archives together. See attachment.
Election of officers: Nigel agreed to take on the role of animal and all the remaining current Officers were happy to carry on for another year and as no-one else expressed a desire to become an Officer, the Officers remain as follows:
SquirePeter Helps
BagmanArthur McArdle
TreasurerHywel Thomas
ForemanGed Morten
FoolGed Morten
ArchivistWill Newman
StickmanGraham Kennett
RagmanGraham Kennett
AnimalNigel Lloyd
Board KeeperPeter Webb
Buxton Day of Dance
Everyone agreed that the format was very successful and enjoyable. It was agreed that we would have a Day of Dance again in 2013 with the suggested date of Saturday 20 July. Will, Phil, Graham and Hywel were co-opted to form a sub-committee. Will said that we 16 Sides attending the 2012 Buxton Day of Dance which is at the limit bearing in mind the number of dancing spots we have. There was some discussion about the best way to limit numbers if we over-run this figure. It was agreed that first come, first in should be applied.
Winter Practice
Starts Monday 24 September. 7.55pm for 8.00pm.
Ged and Peter are to meet to add/remove dances in order to reduce our repertoire somewhat. We should aim for a prompt 8pm start. Other suggestions made were: attention to lines, a walk-on for each dance and rotating positions in set.
Summer Programme
Despite the poor summer we did have plenty of fine Monday evenings. We will have our usual evening to finalise our programme of Monday evenings. A bus tour was suggested, particularly now that we have so many retired members! It might be possible to arrange such an event at fairly short notice.
Finances (Donations)
Blythe House: Β£100, Peak School Β£100.
Kit and Sticks
Graham reported that the stick situation was okay. He agreed to sand a number of them. It was commented that a number of members had still not updated their baldricks despite being issued with the materials last December. It was commented upon that our shirts and socks should be white!
The musicians were thanked for their work throughout the past year.
It was suggested that we distribute more programmes to camp-sites as they draw in people. Pete agreed to distribute posters in neighbourhood campsites, pubs and village shops when we dance out on Monday evenings.
Christmas Dinner
Date agreed Saturday 15th December. Venues suggested were The Old Hall, Hope, The Pack Horse, New Mills (same menu Β£21.95) and The Beehive, Combs. Any other suggestions, together with a corresponding menu should be brought along on Monday evening for discussion and quick resolution.
Peter asked all men in turn for other business. None was forthcoming.
Peter thanked everyone for their attendance and participation, and closed the meeting at 22.32
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2013
AGM Minutes, Monday 16 September 2013
Location Β– The Royal Hotel, Hayfield
Meeting Start time: 20:10 Meeting Closed: 21:55
Attendees: Peter Helps, Jim Hirst, Allan Barnes, Roger Bryant, Graham Kennett, Will Newman, John Griffiths, Pete Webb, Hywel Thomas, Julian Barber, Nigel Lloyd, Andrew Scott.
Apologies received: Arthur McArdle, Robin Edwards, Ged Morten, Chris Mockler, Phil Jupp, Dave Brock
Acceptance of Minutes: The meeting agreed that the minutes looked ok.
Matters Arising: None
SquireΒ’s Report: See Attachment
BagmanΒ’s Report: Submitted after the meeting see attachment
TreasurerΒ’s report: Hywel delivered the TreasurerΒ’s report. See attachment.
Hywel noted that that Buxton Fringe registration remains at Β£45 for early response, Β£65 if you are late.
ForemanΒ’s Report: Ged presented the ForemanΒ’s report. See attachment
ArchivistΒ’s Report: Will reported on a fascinating year for the archive report attached.
Election of officers: Graham was elected as Squire and all the remaining current Officers were happy to carry on for another year and as no-one else expressed a desire to become an Officer, the Officers are as follows:
SquireGraham Kennett
BagmanArthur McArdle
TreasurerHywel Thomas
ForemanGed Morten
FoolGed Morten
ArchivistWill Newman
StickmanGraham Kennett
RagmanGraham Kennett
AnimalNigel Lloyd
Board KeeperPeter Webb
Buxton Day of Dance
Everyone agreed that the format was very successful and enjoyable with the organisation on the day being handled by Will and Phil. It was agreed that we would have a Day of Dance again in 2014 with the suggested date of Saturday 19th July. Will, Phil, Graham and Hywel were co-opted to form a sub-committee. Will said that we had 15 Sides attending the 2013 Buxton Day of Dance and it was necessary to refuse some sides as we were full.
The issue of space in the Gardens was discussed and the presence of a market stall on the Slopes. The committee to liaise more closely with High Peak next year. The Buckingham continued to provide teas and coffee despite being told not to which resulted in an unplanned charge.
Winter Practice
Starts Monday 23rd September. 7.50pm for 8.00pm, recognising that there is always a social aspect at the start of the evening.
Summer Programme
Generally an excellent summer due to the fine weather with only the Day of dance in Leek being Β“rained offΒ”
Finances (donations)
Blythe House: Β£100, Bright Choice Β£100. John to find contact details, Multi-rider trike (Nick) Β£100 Graham to confirm.
Kit and Sticks
Graham reported that the stick situation was okay. Baldricks have been renewed but to a variable standard, this will be addressed. It was commented upon that our shirts and socks should be white and breeches are black. A good source of socks was identified as Potters of Buxton, ask for golfing socks.
The musicians were thanked for their work throughout the past year. This item initiated a discussion about the sideΒ’s view on female musicians. As the issue had not been on the agenda and a significant number of men were not present, the discussion was curtailed. Roger suggested that we raise it at the next AGM but it was agreed that a EGM would be the appropriate forum for this discussion. Timing for this meeting to be determined, possibly to coincide with a Players practice.
The meeting reprised a previous decision to use one musician when dancing out.
We continue to use the A Board and posters to publicise our dance outs. The leaflets are also distributed at the start of the season and at each spot. An increased quantity was ordered last year but Graham still has approximately 150 left at the end of the season.
Will high-lighted the excellent e-marketing effort using Facebook and Twitter. See attached report.
Christmas Dinner
Date agreed Saturday 14th December. Venue Shady Oak Fernilee.
Graham asked all men in turn for other business. None was forthcoming.
Graham thanked everyone for their attendance and participation, and closed the meeting at 21.55
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris, Extraordinary Meeting,
EGM 2013
Monday 25 November 2013
An Extraordinary Meeting of Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men was held on Monday 25 November 2013 to debate the following proposition:
That Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men will admit female musicians as members of the side, to play at practice and performance on any occasion.
The motion was passed as follows:
For: seventeen (including 1 proxy vote)
Against: none
Abstention: one
Female musicians will therefore be admitted to the side
Graham, Squire, 26 November 2013
Arthur, Bagman, 26 November 2013
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2014
AGM Minutes, Monday 8 September 2014
Location Β– The Royal Hotel, Hayfield
Meeting Started: 20:07 Meeting Closed: 22.22
Attendees: Graham Kennett, Arthur McArdle, Robin Edwards, Pete Webb, Julian Barber, Jim Hirst, John Griffiths, Peter Helps, Will Newman, Allan Barnes, Ged Morten, Nigel Lloyd, Andrew Scott and Chris Mockler
Apologies received: Hywel Thomas, Phil Jupp, Dave Brock, Chris Lines and Roger Bryant
Acceptance of Minutes: Proposed by Allan, seconded by Will.
Matters Arising: None
SquireΒ’s Report: See attachment (Graham)
BagmanΒ’s Report: See attachment (Arthur)
TreasurerΒ’s report: See attachment (Hywel)
ForemanΒ’s Report: See attachment (Ged)
ArchivistΒ’s Report: See attachment (Will)
Election of officers: As this is the start of the second year for each officer, and there were no resignations, the officers remain as follows:
SquireGraham Kennett
BagmanArthur McArdle
TreasurerHywel Thomas
ForemanGed Morten
FoolGed Morten
ArchivistWill Newman
StickmanGraham Kennett
RagmanGraham Kennett
AnimalNigel Lloyd
Board KeeperPeter Webb
Buxton Day of Dance
The format was very successful. Tea and scones at St. AnneΒ’s Hall in the afternoon instead of tea/coffee at the Buckingham proved popular. Thanks go to Will and Graham for handling all the organisation, to Hywel and Sylvia for preparing the food at St AnneΒ’s Hall and to the men who helped in other ways. It was agreed that we would have a Day of Dance again in 2015 with the suggested date of Saturday 18th July. Will and Graham agreed to form a sub-committee together with help from Hywel, Robin and Pete W.
Winter Practice
Starts Monday 15th September. 7.50pm for 8.00pm
Summer Programme
Fine weather for the most part allowed us to have some good dancing. A number of other sides were invited to join us of which Poynton Jemmers, Powderkegs and Winster Men accepted.
Finances (donations)
NW Kidney Patients Association Β£100, and the Air Ambulance covering the High Peak area Β£100.
An email to the Bagman from Dave expressing his views on the choice of charities for our donations was read out and noted.
Kit and Sticks
It was commented upon (again!) that our shirts and socks should be white and breeches are black. White socks are available from Potters of Buxton, ask for golfing socks. Comments had also been received regarding unpolished shoes. New rosettes need resourcing.
An EGM was held on 25 November 2013 where it was agreed that we would welcome female musicians. Since then we have welcomed Stephanie into our ranks.
Our efforts have unfortunately been largely in vain. We asked audiences if they are interested to come forward, we ran a workshop at the Fringe in Buxton and posters were put up in local shops. Recruitment of new members remains a problem. Pete W agreed to contact the Buxton Advertiser and to write a feature for the paper. Despite our reluctance to get involved in local carnivals etc. it is suggested that this may be a way to interest local people.
Christmas Dinner 2014
Saturday 13th December. Venue: The Pack Horse, New Mills. Menu will be circulated in due course.
40th Anniversary 2015
The Side started in the summer of 1975 and our first public outing was in December of that year. In addition to the Buxton Day of Dance, a number of further events were suggested: Folk Train (Will), a minibus weekend tour for current members (Graham). To mark this Anniversary some discussion was had about having a leather back badge for our baldricks. A sub-committee of Graham, Will, Robin, Hywel and Peter will consider suggestions.
We do not have a Constitution and it was agreed that we should continue in that way. Decisions would be made democratically but with the Squire having the final decision.
High Peak Radio have a feature whereby local groups can record a short message to advertise their existence and purpose. This would be played at intervals along with similar messages. Graham agreed to contact High Peak Radio.
Graham was thanked by everyone for the song he sang at the Dartington Feast.
Graham then asked all men in turn for other business. None was forthcoming.
The meeting closed at 22.22
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2015
AGM Minutes, Monday 14 September 2015
Location Β– The Royal Hotel, Hayfield
Meeting Started: 20:08, Meeting Closed: 21.27
Attendees: Graham Kennett, Arthur McArdle, Robin Edwards, Pete Webb, Julian Barber, Jim Hirst, Peter Helps, Allan Barnes, Ged Morten, Nigel Lloyd, Roger Bryant, John Griffiths and Hywel Thomas
Apologies received: Phil Jupp, Chris Lines, Will Newman, Chris Mockler and Dave Brock
Acceptance of Minutes: Proposed by Allan, seconded by Arthur
Matters Arising: None
SquireΒ’s Report: See attachment (Graham)
BagmanΒ’s Report: See attachment (Arthur)
TreasurerΒ’s report: See attachment (Hywel).
Robin suggested we increase the amount in our deposit account to cover our essential annual costs.
Our charge for attending events in 2016 will be Β£80, whilst our charge for a wedding will be Β£150.
ForemanΒ’s Report: See attachment (Ged)
There was some discussion as to whether we should start all Bampton dances with a step, jump.
ArchivistΒ’s Report: Will sent his apologies plus a few points listed under AOB
Election of officers: The following officers were elected unopposed:
Squire: Graham, proposed Robin, seconded Hywel
Bagman: Arthur, proposed Graham, seconded Nigel
Treasurer: Hywel, proposed Graham, seconded Robin
Foreman: Ged, proposed Arthur, seconded Roger. Robin agreed to deputise in GedΒ’s absence.
Fool: Ged
Archivist: Will, proposed Graham, seconded Arthur. Will agreed to take on the role of Webmaster from Robin.
Stickman and Ragman: Graham offered to carry on.
Animal: position vacant
Keeper of the Board: Pete W
Buxton Day of Dance
Graham made the following comments: The weather was good, the format was very successful and carrying on during Sunday proved a great success. It was agreed that we would have a Day of Dance again in 2016 with the suggested date of Saturday 23rd July. Will and Graham agreed to form a sub-committee together with help from Hywel and Roger. Graham offered a few observations on the 2015 event to carry forward for future Buxton Days of Dances:
consider reducing the number of sides from 20 to 16 to reduce pressure on venues and generally make the event more manageable.
carrying on through Sunday was a great success and may be considered for future years
mixing the sides giving a variety of styles was much appreciated by the audience.
Winter Practice
Starts Monday 21th September, 7.50pm for 8.00pm.
Summer Programme 2016
A meeting to discuss our programme for 2016 will be held on our practise night, Monday 12 October.
Finances (donations)
Hywel suggested we had sufficient funds to allow us to make donations to the value of Β£400. In view of events close to members of the side this year it was agreed that Β£200 would be given to a heart charity and Β£200 to The Christie Hospital. Hywel and Arthur respectively to arrange.
Kit and Sticks
It was commented upon (again!) that our shirts and socks should be white and breeches and shoes are black. Graham is going to investigate getting new hankies and the subject of bells renewal will be brought forward to our AGM in 2016.
Christmas Dinner 2015
Saturday 12th December. Venue: The Pack Horse, New Mills. Menu will be circulated in due course.
Three points were submitted by Will:
Rethink the printed programme and publicity. For example, produce a publicity leaflet encouraging new members that can be used for more than one year and a simpler A5 programme for distribution both by hand and electronically.
Repaint/redesign the A board to include our web address and wording to encourage new members.
The New Inn at Chapel-en-le-Frith have approached us to dance in their new beer garden. This will be raised at our meetings evening on October 12.
Ring dances
A list to be circulated to all dancers and musicians by Arthur. (See below).
Graham then asked all men in turn for other business. None was forthcoming.
The meeting closed at 21.27
SquireΒ’s dances:
Bampton: Rose Tree, Maid of the Mill
Bledington: William and Nancy, Young Collins
Brackley: Jockey to the Fair
Bucknell: QueenΒ’s Delight
Fieldtown: The Valentine, Balance the Straw
Headington: Constant Billy, Getting Upstairs
Lichfield: Vandals of Hammerwich
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2016
AGM Minutes, Monday 12 September 2016
Location Β– The Playhouse, Chapel-en-le-Frith
Meeting Started: 20:05, Meeting Closed: 21.26
Attendees: Graham Kennett, Arthur McArdle, Robin Edwards, Pete Webb, Julian Barber, Jim Hirst, Peter Helps, Allan Barnes, Ged Morten, Nigel Lloyd, Roger Bryant, John Griffiths, Phil Jupp, Will Newman, Chris Mockler, Hywel Thomas and Dave Brock.
Apologies received: Chris Lines, Andrew
Acceptance of Minutes: Proposed by Graham, seconded by Hywel
Matters Arising:
Buxton Day of Dance 2016 sub committee: Roger had offered to help but had inadvertently been left off the circulation.
Kit: no progress on new hankies but Ged said he had a supply of white cotton cloth.
SquireΒ’s Report: See attachment (Graham)
BagmanΒ’s Report: See attachment (Arthur)
TreasurerΒ’s report: See attachments (Hywel).
Hywel commented that collections were down but that we were still solvent.
ForemanΒ’s Report: See attachment (Ged)
ArchivistΒ’s Report: It is minuted that Chapel-en-le-Frith were nominated in the Dance category at the Buxton Fringe. Very little done this year after a mammoth effort Β to organise the archive for our 40th Anniversary. Β Our Archivist is in discussion with our Webmaster about ways of displaying our photo archive online following the demise of the previous online service.
Election of officers: This is the beginning of the second year of office for the officers and as no one had resigned no elections were necessary.
Buxton Day of Dance 2017
. It was agreed that we would have a Day of Dance again in 2017 with the probable date of Saturday 15th July. Will and Graham agreed to form a sub-committee together with help from Hywel, Phil and Roger. In future, because of pressure on venues the number of sides participating would be limited to 16.
Winter Practice
Starts Monday 19th September, 7.50pm for 8.00pm at The Playhouse, Chapel-en-le-Frith. The hall is not available to us on 10th October but a room at The Royal, Hayfield has been booked and we will hold a meeting to decide on our summer 2017 programme. See next item.
Summer Programme 2017
A meeting to discuss our programme for 2017 will be held at The Royal, Hayfield on our practise night, Monday 10 October.
We cancelled two Monday nights in August this year due to lack of available men but rather than leave these dates blank it was agreed we would pencil in venues for August 2017 and review near the time. Further suggestions for consideration were: a summer Sunday at one venue only, a bus pass tour, and Hull on September 23 where Green Ginger MM are celebrating.
Finances (donations)
Hywel suggested we had sufficient funds to allow us to make donations to the value of Β£200. On a show of hands (16 out of 17 members present in favour) it was agreed that Β£100 would be given to the Cystinosis Foundation UK and Β£100 to a charity doing work to help users of braille. Will and Phil respectively to arrange. Dave said he couldnΒ’t support this proposal and shortly afterwards left the meeting, timed at 20.54.
Kit and Sticks
It was commented upon (again!) that our shirts and socks should be white and breeches and shoes are black. Ged has a supply of white cloth for making new hankies. New bells cost approximately Β£1 each, or Β£48 per man. The side does not have the funds for this but each man could consider buying his own bells.
Christmas Dinner 2016
Saturday 17th December. Venue: The Pack Horse, New Mills. Menu will be circulated in due course. [Note the original date agreed was 10 December but that date has already been booked by another party).
Phil pointed out that it was unlikely he would be able to dance again but that he would like initially to support the musicians with a view to become a full musician.
Will requested that Publicity be added to the Agenda as a standing item.
John said he would like to play as well as dance.
We adopted a policy of one musician per dance as far as possible but also recognised that that is not always feasible.
Graham re-emphasised that we are a democratic side and support the ethos that in the case of a vote the majority rules.
Robin had noticed that badges were re-appearing on our baldricks. We have a policy of not wearing Badges on our baldricks.
The meeting closed at 21.26
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2017
AGM Minutes, Monday 11 September 2017
Location Β– The George, Tideswell
Meeting Started: 20:00, Meeting Closed: 22.02
Attendees: Robin Edwards, Pete Webb, Julian Barber, Jim Hirst, Ged Morten, Nigel Lloyd, John Griffiths, Phil Jupp, Graham Kennett, Will Newman, Chris Mockler and Hywel Thomas.
Apologies received: Chris Lines, Arthur McArdle, Allan Barnes, Roger Bryant, Peter Helps
Acceptance of Minutes: Proposed by Will, seconded by Hywel
Matters Arising:
Will had asked for Publicity to be added to the agenda for the AGM, this still needs to happen
John has yet to action his intent to play as well as dance
Replacement of bells is still up to individual men to on.
Ged said he still had a supply of white cotton cloth.
SquireΒ’s Report: See attachment (Graham)
BagmanΒ’s Report: See attachment (Arthur)
TreasurerΒ’s report: See attachments (Hywel).
Hywel commented that collections were up despite two rained off Mondays and one cancelled. The Beehive Combs collection was exceptionally good on our first visit and the Devonshire at Hartington was also good. We had only one paid booking this year.
ForemanΒ’s Report: See attachment (Ged)
ArchivistΒ’s Report: See attachment ( Will) includes comments about publicity
Election of officers:
There being no contended posts, the nominated men are duly appointed.
Buxton Day of Dance 2017
It was agreed that we would have a Day of Dance again in 2018 with the probable date of Saturday 21st July. Phil, Will, Hywel & Graham agreed to form a sub-committee.
Winter Practice
Starts Monday 18th September, 7.50pm for 8.00pm at The Royal Hayfield before resuming at the Playhouse, Chapel-en-le-Frith.
A request from the musicians to have advanced notice of any new/revisited dances was made.
Robin said that he would give more priority to the music at practices and that he and Ged would consider suggestions for the dance programme.
Summer Programme 2017
A meeting to discuss our programme for 2018 will be held, date and venue
Finances (donations)
Hywel suggested we had sufficient funds to allow us to make donations to the value of Β£200. The side discussed a number of potential charities. A decision will be made after further consultation with Peter Helps.
Kit and Sticks
Sticks are holding up well. Hankies need replacing see comment about GedΒ’s material. We still need a supply of rosettes. Phil offered to investigate.
Christmas Dinner 2017
Saturday 16th December. Venue: The Pack Horse, New Mills. Menu will be circulated in due course.
Hope HADIT Request
Referring to received correspondence.
Β“Our drama group in Hope (HADIT) is hoping to perform something with a WW1 theme before the end of the commemoration period in November 2018, with proceeds to Help for Heroes, the War Memorials Trust and British Legion.Β”
The CMM men who had either watched the video clips or actually seen the production felt that the plot relied on the dance being in the North West clog tradition. The rushcart and rant step being central to the transition from peace to war. As NW is not our tradition it was felt that Stockport or Manchester would be better placed to provide the right tuition.
Julian offered to pass on details and if this was not successful we would re-consider.
Motion 1
That Β“A working group is to be created to examine recruitment, with a broad brief to include the feasibility, acceptability and outcome for the side if it were to recruit female dancers.Β”
Phil described the background to his proposal. Robin read a comments from Arthur, his view being that becoming a Monday night only side would be his own preference over becoming a mixed side.
Proposed Phil, Seconded Pete. In favour 10 Against 2
As the motion was carried, a working group was created Phil / Pete Webb / Robin / Will
Robin will co-ordinate next steps.
Motion 2
That CMM organise Morris taster session(s) at weekend(s) in October to spread the joy of Morris dancing to those who would like to 'give it a go'. Session(s) would be open to any gender and ages from 9(?) - 90 Β (those under 18 should be accompanied by an adult).Β  Any subsequent recruits to CMM would be a bonus and not a requirement of the session(s). Advertising via High Peak Radio, Buxton Advertiser, Chapel Arts, Facebook, Twitter, posters and leaflets etc.
Proposed Will, Seconded Phil. In favour 10 Against 2
Note 12/09/17 No action was agreed in the meeting although next steps will be discussed as part of first working group meeting above
AOB None
The meeting closed at 22.02
Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
AGM 2018
AGM Minutes, Monday 10 September 2018
The Playhouse, Chapel-en-le-Frith
Meeting Started: 20:00, Meeting Closed: 21.35
Attendees: Robin Edwards, Jim Hirst, Ged Morten, Nigel Lloyd, John Griffiths, Graham Kennett, Will Newman, Hywel Thomas, Chris Lines, Peter Helps, Arthur McArdle, Allan Barnes
Apologies received: Roger Bryant, Julian Barber, Chris Mockler, Phil Jupp
Acceptance of Minutes: Proposed by Will, seconded by Hywel
Matters Arising:
1. Will had asked for Publicity to be added to the agenda for the AGM; this still needs to happen.
2. The Working Group to consider PhilΒ’s proposal to examine recruitment including female dancers has reported and a meeting is to be arranged to discuss the outcome.
3. Donations: Β£100 to The Christie Hospital Β– done. Donation to Blythe House not yet done.
SquireΒ’s Report: Pending (Robin)
BagmanΒ’s Report: See attachment (Arthur). Chris L commented on the low number of invitations we were able to accept and agreed to proactively review potential invites (following on from previous years) rather than wait for invitations to come in.
TreasurerΒ’s report: See attachments (Hywel). Hywel commented that we would need to consider kit costs if we get further recruits. Graham has done a stocktake of our kit reserves Β– see under Kit and Sticks. See also under: Finances (donations).
ForemanΒ’s Report: Pending (Ged)
ArchivistΒ’s Report: See attachment ( Will). Will highlighted the Search facility.
Election of officers: This is the beginning of the second year of office for the officers and as no one has resigned no elections are necessary. However, Ged thought that only the office of Squire was a two year tenure, the remainder being one year tenures. Will was asked to check in our archives.
Buxton Day of Dance 2019
It was agreed that we would have a Day of Dance again in 2019 on Saturday 20th July. At a wrap-up meeting following the 2018 DoD it was decided that the number of sides attending would not be increased.
Winter Practice
Starts Monday 17th September, 7.50pm for 8.00pm at The Playhouse, Chapel-en-le-Frith. If anyone has favourite dances or traditions they would like to try, please mention to Robin or Ged.
Easter Monday is 22 April 2019 and practice will finish on Monday 15 April 2019.
Summer Programme 2019
A meeting to discuss our programme for 2019 will be held, date and venue to be confirmed.
Pete Webb has decided to hang up his bells and so there is a vacancy for a volunteer to ring round the Monday evening venues to check that the selected dates are okay for us to dance.
Finances (donations)
A donation of Β£100 to The Christie Hospital has been made but the donation of Β£100 to Blythe House has not yet been made. A donation of Β£100 to Kidney Care UK was proposed by Peter and seconded by Nigel.
Kit and Sticks: details of kit in hand at September 2018. (from Graham)
Baldricks - ready to wearΒ 1pr
Baldricks - require assembly1pr
Yellow wide with green ribbon7yds
Yellow wide unsewn2 rolls
green ribbon7yds
Green wide with yellow ribbon0
green wide unsewn0
rosettes centres5
Bell pads1pr
yellow narrow for pads4yds
green narrow for pads0
Bells cost approximately Β£1 per bell.
Β‘Have a GoΒ’ Taster Sessions. Two were held in October 2017 and three more are arranged for late September 2018 as follows:
24: New Mills, 29: Buxton, 30: Chapel-en-le-Frith
Christmas Dinner 2019
Saturday 15th December, 7.30pm for 8pm. Venue: The Pack Horse, New Mills. Menu will be circulated in due course.
Castleton Garland Ceremony. This was re-created by four men (Robin, Ged, Julian and Arthur) together with support from Will on Tuesday 7 August. The film should be completed by end-September.
Posters and programmes. Graham agreed to arrange for the printing of these.
Peter thanked all members for their support during his and LynΒ’s illnesses during the year.
The meeting closed at 21.35